
World Fantasy & YALLfest schedules!

The season of the last travel of the year is upon us. I’m deep in revisions for Cirque American book two (which I think y’all are going to like), so this should be fun.

Coming up this weekend, I’ll be in Saratoga Springs, New York, for World Fantasy — here’s where you can catch me if you’re there too:


  • Reading! at 2:30 p.m. in Broadway 1: Most likely from Double Down or Fallout (audience choice!).
  • Christopher Rowe will be reading at 3:30 p.m. in Broadway 2: You should come! It’ll be great!
  • “Children’s Literature as Parent to Adult Fantasy” at 5 p.m. with Gili Bar-Hillel (mod.), Gwenda Bond, Lee Harris, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Tamara Vardomskaya in City Center 2A: I’m gonna have things to say about this. It’s the YA panel. Sort of. And a good group of panelists.
  • 8:30 p.m. City Center 2A & B: Mass signing; I believe this is open to anyone.


  • “Tropes That Will Not Die!” panel at 10 a.m. with Craig Shaw Gardner (mod.), Gwenda Bond, Gordon Van Gelder, Sandra Kasturi, Thomas Monteleone in City Center A.

I’m also almost definitely popping over to Rhinebeck to drop by Oblong Books Saturday afternoon and sign some stock and see mine wonderful agent Jennifer Laughran.

YALLFEST! Nov. 13 & 14.

More on this next week, but in brief — here’s my schedule for Saturday the 14th.

12 p.m. Signing at Blue Bicycle Books

2 p.m. Jedis & Superheroes at Charleston Music Hall

4 p.m. Strong Femal Characters: Ugh! at Charleston Museum

6 p.m. YA Smackdown!


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YA Scavenger Hunt Time (+ Bonus ARC Contest)

YASH-circle-background-2Welcome to this stop of the YA Scavenger Hunt extravaganza!

I’m Gwenda Bond *wave* and my bonus content is being hosted by Lance Rubin. It’s a two-page sneak peek of the Lois Lane: Fallout sequel, Double Down, which you can enter to win one of two advanced reader copies of in the bonus contest described at the end of this post. (And a signed copy of Fallout is part of the Team Teal prize, of course!)

If you’re new to the hunt, this tri-annual event was first organized by author Colleen Houck as a way to give readers a chance to gain access to exclusive bonus material from their favorite authors…and a chance to win some awesome prizes! At this hunt, you not only get access to exclusive content from each author, you also get a clue for the hunt. Add up the clues, and you can enter for our prize–one lucky winner will receive one signed book from each author on the hunt in my team! But play fast: this contest (and all the exclusive bonus material) will only be online for 72 hours!Team Teal

Go to the YA Scavenger Hunt page to find out all about the hunt. There are a bunch of contests going on simultaneously, and you can enter one or all of ’em. I’m a part of the TEAL TEAM, as I mentioned — but there are also all those other teams with a chance to win a whole different set of signed books.

If you’d like to find out more about the hunt, see links to all the authors participating, and see the full list of prizes up for grabs, go to the YA Scavenger Hunt homepage.

YA Scavenger Hunt Time (+ Bonus ARC Contest) Read More »

Schedule for DragonCon & Decatur Book Festival + School Visit Info + Super Radio

Are you in the Atlanta area over Labor Day weekend? Me too. Here’s my schedule as it currently stands for DragonCon and Decatur Book Fest. I’ll be packing some stickers of the Lois Lane covers, bookmarks featuring same, and a few of the WWLLD bracelets. Come say hi!

DragonCon Schedule! 

  • A Safe Space For Female Readers
    Description: A discussion about embracing and expanding female readership in Comics.
    Time: Friday 1 p.m. Location: Hanover F – Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)
    (Tentative Panelists: Gwenda M Bond, Laurenn McCubbin)
  • YA Urban and Contemporary Fantasy
    Description: Fantasy isn’t just dragons and knights – come see how contemporary characters and places feature in young adult fantasy!
    Time: Friday 4 p.m. Location: A707 – Marriott (Length: 1 Hour)
    (Tentative Panelists: Delilah S. Dawson, Gwenda M Bond, Zac Brewer, Christi J. Whitney, Cinda Williams Chima, A. J. Hartley)
  • Reading: Gwenda Bond
    Time: Saturday 11:30 a.m. Location: Marietta – Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)
    (Tentative Panelists: Gwenda M Bond)

Note: I’ll update these with confirmed panelists next week. The reading will be a great place to get swag or books signed (in fact, consider this a de facto signing too), and perhaps hear a little snippet of the second Lois book and I’ll have Christopher with me so we might do a short tandem reading from something you will have to keep secret for the time being. I’ll also have a few books with me in case the dealer’s room is in short supply.

Decatur Book Festival schedule!

  • Keeping Your Sense of Humor in YA: When the going gets tough, what’s a girl to do? YA authors Gwenda Bond and Hollis Gillespie share feisty female protagonists who are always capable of keeping their wits and sense of humor about them.
    Time: Saturday 4 p.m. Location: Teen Stage
    Panelists: Gwenda Bond and Hollis Gillespie, moderated by Justin Colussy-Estes

Signing after, with books available for purchase.

  • YA Truth or Dare: Popular YA authors are pitted against one another in a lively game of Truth or Dare!
    Time: Sunday 4 p.m. Location: Teen Stage
    Panelists: Becky Albertalli, David Arnold, Gwenda Bond, Libba Bray, Terra Elan McVoy, and Andrew Smith, introduced by Kimberly Jones

I sense this will escalate quickly. *twirls fingers*

School and library visit availability!

I’ve been hearing from more people about whether I’m available for school and library visits and the answer is yes. I’ve put together a page explaining the different presentations I do and the cost; I’m currently booking for the 2016 calendar year, so if you’d like me to visit your school or library get in touch via that page’s contact form.

Super Radio Tonight!

Happy birthday to Lois Joanne Lane today, August 17! In a fitting coincidence, I’ll be a guest on tonight’s “Radio Kal Live,” a weekly show produced by the Superman Homepage. You can listen in and call in with questions. Info and details here. The show starts at 7:30PST/10:30EST.

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Double Down Cover Reveal!

A sequence of tweets last night:

Hit play for full mesmerizing gif impact!

And here’s the image on its own:

double down cover


Thanks to my wonderful publisher, Capstone/Switch Press, and the amazing team there, who I’m so thrilled to be working with again. And to DC/Warner Bros, our super-important partners on this project, who are also an amazing team to work with. Also, as always, to my agent Jenn Laughran, the best. Long story short: I still don’t quite understand how I got lucky enough for the universe to bring me this project, but I’m so very grateful for your response to it. Keep telling everyone to read Fallout in the meantime. <3

Double Down is already up for pre-order at Amazon and will be at other places soon, I expect. The little description from there:

Lois Lane has settled in to her new school. She has friends, for maybe the first time in her life. She has a job that challenges her. And her friendship is growing with SmallvilleGuy, her online maybe-more-than-a-friend. But when her friend Maddy’s twin collapses in a part of town she never should’ve been in, Lois finds herself embroiled in a dangerous mystery that brings her closer to the dirty underbelly of Metropolis.

I hope you guys are going to love this book even more than Fallout. It’s not quite through with editing yet, but I already do. It’s got lots of juicy stakes-raising and scary danger and learning how to navigate friendships and hopefully everything you liked about book one but MORE.

You may be wondering why we did the reveal this way and when the cover is not quite yet final per that little strip on the bottom — well, I think we are always thinking, let’s just go straight to the readers, because impatient and also fun. We also knew we couldn’t wait until the cover was entirely final to show it to you for publishing reasons. Pause for nerdery: Even though the book won’t be out until May next year, now is the time when the publisher’s sales team begins to go out and show their list for next spring to their big bookstore and retail accounts to try and get them to order and be excited about the new books. Which means they have to have something to show them, and those things inevitably end up posted online at some point anyway and, hey, other people being excited about it already can’t be a bad thing, right?


Again, beaming from ear-to-ear about this great cover by the wonderful Bob Lentz (superhero name across the chest = genius!) and can’t wait to share another Lois book with you! I have OTHER, UNRELATED SECRETS that will probably be revealed before the end of the year, but for now I better go get my morning words on the sequel to Girl on a Wire. Writing about a magician is just as fun as I thought it would be.

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New Review in the Chicago Tribune!

“It’s not a bya-roundup-jpg-20150723ird, it’s not a plane, it’s Lois Lane, boldly following clues wherever they lead, taking readers along for a thrilling ride.”

Lois Lane: Fallout gets a great review from Christine Heppermann in today’s Chicago Tribune Printers Row book section, along with new books I can’t wait to read by the fabulous Adam Silvera and Margo Rabb. Yay!*

(*This is the first time one of my books has gotten an actual review in a newspaper, which feels fitting because Lois — and so I’m nerdily excited about it! Hoping a Chicago friend will snap a pic for me! Also, I adored Heppermann’s Poisoned Apples, a collection of feminist, fairy tale-infused poetry, so doubly cool.)


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Gen Con Schedule! (aka Look Out, Indianapolis!)

gencon-writerChristopher and I will both be at Gen Con next weekend, participating in the Writer’s Symposium. There will be a limited number of copies of Lois Lane: Fallout and Girl on a Wire available at the Indy Reads Books booth (so grab them quick if you want them!). I’ve ordered an item of special swag that you may be able to score if you come by my signing or find me elsewhere.

My updated schedule:

  • Alas, I’m listed on a panel on Researching Your Story on Thursday afternoon that I won’t be attending after all; we have to take Emma the Dog to the vet before we can leave town and so we’re going to be a little late arriving. Christopher will also be missing his panels that day. We are sad, but it’s unavoidable!
  • Friday, July 31:
    • Character Craft: Motivation & Obstacles at 10 a.m. – with Howard Tayler (mod), Gwenda Bond, Lauren M. Roy, Elizabeth Bear, and John Hornor Jacobs
    • Writer’s Life 101 at 1 p.m. – with Kelly Swalls (mod), Anton Strout, Gwenda Bond, Christopher Rowe, and Chuck Wendig (Chuck and I may have generated a fake religion with our pal Kim Curran the first time we met in person, so who knows what will happen on this panel? Should be fun.)
    • Writing Comics: When Only Batman Will Do at 3 p.m. – with Bill Willingham (mod), Gene Ha, Chris Roberson, Jim Zub, Daryl Gregory, and Gwenda Bond
  • Saturday, Aug. 1:
    • Signing in the exhibit hall next to the Indy Reads booth at 1 p.m. – Come talk to me! And bring things for me to sign. Otherwise, I fear loneliness. And if I have swag, this will be a good time to score it.
    • Characters: Unlikeable Characters at 3 p.m. – John Helfers (mod), Anton Strout, Christopher Rowe, Gwenda Bond, and Stephen Blackmoore

I’m sure I’ll also be findable at many of Christopher’s panels, not just the two we’re on together. Or in places where drinks can be procured.

Updated again: The swag!

Here’s how to get this nifty WWLLD bracelet, because alas they are expensive swag I do not have enough to give them out to everyone:

  • Bring me a book to sign, which if you don’t have already, you can pick up at the Indy Reads booth (either of my books they’ll have will do);
  • Come up to me and say: “Lois Lane would kick ass” or some variation thereof! And if I still have some of the extras I’ll be carrying, I’ll give you one.

Hope to see some of you there!

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Long Time No See (Oops!)

This is me making a solemn promise to update at least once a week, except when on actual deadline (because, hey, realism). Because it’s so hard to remember what I haven’t put here, and also I have this whole pretty design and easy set-up now — which means no excuse not to.

So a housekeeping attempt to update on the last month and change.

Thanks so much to everyone who came out to our Dangerous Ladies tour events! You were the awesomest best and we had such a great time we’re already discussing doing the whole shebang again.

A photo posted by Gwenda Bond (@gwendabond) on

Such a great evening at Parnassus Books thanks to the lovely store crew and these lovely people! #dangerousladies A photo posted by Gwenda Bond (@gwendabond) on

It was even more fun than it looks.

In less good news, so much less it’s a whole universe of bad, we’re still absorbing the news that our beloved Emma the Dog has liver cancer. I’m determined not to turn my social presences into depressing pet news central — mostly because I rely on them for sanity breaks — and so I don’t know how much more I’ll be talking about this. But it is something that is a huge huge piece of life at the moment, so it’ll come up at least occasionally. And hopefully for some time to come. Emma, bless her, is as strong and feisty as ever at the moment, if perhaps a bit slower. We’re trying to enjoy this time with her, however much it ultimately is, as much as possible.

And there were some new interviews and things — I am positive I will leave something out, so mea culpa in advance

Keep spreading the word, friends! And hopefully some news coming up soon for you of various types. Until then . . .

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Tour! This Week! Come See The Dangerous Ladies

The best thing about a bunch of your friends having new books at the same time? You can tour together!

And so five of us are this week. We decided to call this the Dangerous Ladies tour, because it fits both the leads in our books and ourselves.


Who? Did you say new books, what are they?

Me – with Lois Lane: Fallout

Renée Ahdieh – with The Wrath and the Dawn

Megan Miranda – with Soulprint

Megan Shepherd – with The Cage


Carrie Ryan – with Daughter of Deep Silence

When? Where?

Tuesday, June 9 – Joseph-Beth Cincinnati at 7 p.m.

Wednesday, June 10 – Joseph-Beth Lexington at 7 p.m.

Thursday, June 11 – Parnassus Books in Nashville at 6:30 p.m.

Friday, June 12 – Malaprop’s Bookstore in Asheville at 7 p.m.*

I’m sure any of these fabulous stores would be happy to hook you up with signed copies if you can’t make it; check out their websites or give them a call. But if you can make it, you should. I think it’ll be fun.

*Megan Miranda, alas, will not be with us at the Malaprop’s event. We will tell all her secrets.

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Last Week (BEA!) & Next Week (Tour!)

Fair warning: This is going to be one of those lonnnng updates where I post a bunch of pictures from other people’s (and a few of my own) tweets and instagram feeds.

I got to New York on Wednesday, after serendipitously running into Carrie Ryan on the same flight and sharing a cab, and retrieved my Lois Lane t-shirt from the front desk at the hotel. When I showed it to the staff, they went crazy because they all love Lois Lane and Superman and gave me a free room upgrade. Lois author perk, awww yeah. 😉 I promised the manager I’d bring her a signed copy as thanks (this is an important plot point for later in the post). Then I managed to navigate across town with only one phone call to Christopher back home for directional help to meet fabulous old friends I see too little of Justine Larbalestier and Scott Westerfeld, and their friend Amber Benson (absolutely lovely), for dinner. We had a marathon, epic, wonderful evening with not one, not two, but three dessert courses.

The second of three dessert courses from the tasting menu last night. #yum

A photo posted by Gwenda Bond (@gwendabond) on

As some of you probably know, I’ve written many, many articles for Publishers Weekly as a contributor over the past decade — and I’ve also written many, many short profiles and articles for the PW Show Daily, a free publication distributed daily during BEA. (Because I know a few non-publishing industry types read this *waves to family*, BEA is Book Expo America, the giant annual trade show where publishers show off new and forthcoming books to giant masses of booksellers, bloggers, press, librarians, and readers. Plus, there are Scientology pirates.) So it was a little surreal to start Thursday, my first-ever day at BEA to do official author stuff, with this:

Also fun to talk to Sally Lodge, who wrote the story. You can read it online, if you’re interested.

And I knew to expect this:

(!) (Apparently people kept taking the display copies. I get it, it’s a beautiful book. I also got to meet the wonderful designer Bob Lentz — who does the wearable books with Don Lemke and was there to sign too.)

The day was a whirlwind of too brief hugs with friends (Holly Black, Sarah Weinman, Shana Cohen, I’m looking at you!), a nice diner lunch with my divine agent Jenn and some of my favorite literary people (Leila Roy, Jackie Parker, Liz Burns, Pam Coughlan, etc., aka The Gang, who I managed to find several times, yay), meeting lots of people in person for the first time (WNDB team all-star authors Ellen Oh and Marieke Nijcamp! PR and Muppets maven Beth Parker!), and drinks to toast Lois with the Capstone/Switch Press gang followed by a fancy author-illustrator dinner with same. The insane highlight of the day was my signing though,  which I seriously told someone earlier in the day, “Well, I’m sure some people will show up, even if only e-bay hounds looking for copies to sell, right?” Remember: I’ve been to BEA before, just not as an author. I’m a realist. SO I got pulled into an interview with Carrie Ryan (fun) and then when it finished it was getting closer to time for my signing and I noticed I had a text from my agent and people were retweeting something and it was this enormous surprise…

I mean, seriously, what? People who I knew that came through the line asked how I felt and honestly, I’m still not sure I have fully processed this. Weird, but great weird. Overwhelming, but in the best possible way. THANK YOU so much to all of you wonderful people who came and stood and waited and were so excited about Lois Lane: Fallout — whether you’d already read it, been sent by friends who had, or were just hearing about it. I had so much fun meeting you all. Not to mention, I got to hang with my wonderful editor Beth the whole time, who valiantly hung in there flapping books.


(I am a huge nerd, check.)

Oh, and yes, we all had Lois Lane t-shirts.

It was a complete treat to get to meet in person and hang out with all the people at Capstone (Beth, Ashley, Shannon, Kay, Bob — everyone, truly) and their PR team (April and Linda = heart). I feel beyond lucky and grateful to work with such amazing people.

So that was Thursday. Whew. Friday was more relaxed by comparison. I met up for breakfast with Genevieve Valentine, who I try to see whenever I’m in New York. I am OBSESSED with this toast (we’ve made it once already since I got back).

I am going to move into Le Pain Quotidien and live here and eat only this.

A photo posted by Gwenda Bond (@gwendabond) on

After food, we went to Midtown Comics, where I stealthily purchased a copy of Fallout for the hotel manager I mentioned at the top (I told you that was a plot point!). The booth was out of books after the signing, and the new ones being shipped up for BookCon weren’t there yet, and I felt I must keep my promise. Then I had a little time to kill before my lunch meeting and so Genevieve jokingly proposed we ride the Ferris Wheel inside Toys R Us. And so this happened…

Bet you never thought Genevieve and I would ride the Ferris Wheel in toys r us. A photo posted by Gwenda Bond (@gwendabond) on

I even purchased us the commemorative photo. Good times!

Then I had lunch with my other amazing editor, Courtney Miller from Skyscape, meeting her in person for the first time. We ate pizza and talked circus and the magic book and many other things. I really do feel so, so lucky to work with such great people on books I couldn’t be happier to be writing.

Then it was back to Javits with baked goods in tow to meet up with Comic News Insider’s Jimmy Aquino for an interview and make one last pass. This was great because I got to see a few people and sign a few books people had schlepped with them but also TO MEET MY HERO SHANNON HALE and thank her in person for blurbing Fallout:

After a last meet up with The Gang, it was off to the airport — well, post-presenting the hotel with the signed copy for Vickie, of course. So, yeah, a great trip. I did a couple of interviews while I was there that are already up:

And I also found out that Fallout made the LA Times summer reading recommendations for YA, among some truly fabulous company. Oh, and that I earned out my initial advance for Girl on a Wire (thank you all). It was a GOOD WEEK. That’s what I’m saying.

Other new interviews and a giveaway I haven’t shared here yet:

I can’t believe this post is still going. I bet you can’t either! I’ll do a separate one about next week’s tour, but in the meantime a reminder — next week is the tour. Near Cincinnati, Lexington, Nashville or Asheville? Come see us: me, Renee Ahdieh, Megan Miranda, Carrie Ryan, and Megan Shepherd.

I will also be paneling on young adult literature with David Arnold and Sarah Combs at the Carnegie Center’s Books-in-Progress conference, Saturday morning. So if you’re going to that and interested in YA, come see us.

For now, fare thee well.

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Hair-on-Fire Update (+ LA Times FoB schedule!)

Hello! So many things are happening. It’s busy, busy times here at Chez Bond-Rowe. And I am on deadline as well, so have not been updating here as faithfully as twitter and elsewhere.

Official release for Fallout approaches! As does the date for me to turn in a draft of new thing! And there’s lots else going on, some secret and some to be revealed soon enough!

  • First up: if you’re in the Los Angeles area, come out to the Festival of Books and say hi! I’ll be on a panel Saturday at 12:30 on the YA stage, discussing new takes on classic stories with the very fancy Sara Benincasa and Danielle Paige, moderated by the also very fancy Aaron Hartzler. We’ll be signing right afterward. I’m sure it will be a good time. So come hear the things and then say hi and get books signed (I believe there will be copies of both Girl on a Wire and Lois Lane on sale). When not paneling, I will be here and there, so also say hi anywhere, if you can’t make the panel. Though I will be dashing away to a weeklong workshop in South Carolina early Sunday, so if you see someone at bookfest who looks like me Sunday — I hope it is not me! But, in the meantime, I’m very much looking forward to rooming in LA with dear friends Kelly Link and Genevieve Valentine; I suspect there will be hijinks.
  • The “what does Lois mean to you?” entries last week were fantastic. So very happy-making. The contest continues this week–through April 17 to be precise–and there will be up to 10 more winners who’ll get advance copies, announced Friday. Tweet or you can message via tumblr using the hashtag #loislanefallout. But who do I message on tumblr? you ask…
  • There is a super-fancy Lois Lane: Fallout tumblr made by the lovely Switch Press and their PR ninjas! You can submit messages via there. Or just peruse it and pet your screen (it’s that pretty). It’s filled with snippets from the book and related info and #WWLD gets its own page heading even, and I encourage you to follow and share. Happy-making.
  • Speaking of super-fancy and happy-making things: there was a Publishers Weekly email blast ad last week that a kind soul tumblred so here it is if you missed it *and* there are early copies floating around pre-official release date and that inspired a group of fabulous Lois Lane fans to put together an impromptu live-tweet re-watch of the character’s first appearance on Smallville in honor of Fallout last Friday  night. Lurking during that was a complete blast. Truly, I appreciate so many of you being excited and (hopefully) not too sick of me tweeting about this book. In some ways, promoting this one is easier than any book I’ve written, because I feel like I’m trying to honor this character we all love.
  • Did I mention I’m finishing a book? I’m working on finishing a book that I cannot tell you about just yet. Please forgive the disarray, mental and otherwise.

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