
The Woken Gods is back!

As promised, The Woken Gods is now once more available in ebook and for just $2.99! This is what I think of as my weirdest book and it’s definitely my most world-buildy. I’ve often said it’s my take on if Indiana Jones was an untrained teenage girl who had to go up against trickster gods in a transformed Washington, D.C. (I even gave her Indy’s jacket!) (The sharp-eyed among you may have noticed that Blackwood has once again disappeared; that’s because it has found a great new home and I’ll tell you more about that when I’m sure I’m allowed to. It’ll be back next year though. Yay.)

Here’s The Woken Gods new cover and description, and a buy link:


Five years ago, the gods of ancient mythology awoke around the world. This morning, Kyra Locke is late for school.

Seventeen-year-old Kyra lives in a transformed Washington, D.C., home to the embassies of divine pantheons and the mysterious Society of the Sun. But when rebellious Kyra encounters two trickster gods on her way back from school, one offering a threat and the other a warning, it turns out her life isn’t what it seems. She escapes with the aid of Osborne “Oz” Spencer, an intriguing Society field operative, only to discover that her scholar father has disappeared with a dangerous relic. The Society needs it, and they don’t care that she knows nothing about her father’s secrets.

Now Kyra must depend on her wits and the suspect help of scary gods, her estranged oracle mother, and, of course, Oz—whose first allegiance is to the Society. She has no choice if she’s going to recover the missing relic and save her father. And if she doesn’t? Well, that may just mean the end of the world as she knows it. From the author of Lois Lane: Fallout and Girl on a Wire comes a divinely different fantasy that will appeal to fans of Neil Gaiman, Cassandra Clare, and Rick Riordan.

“Unique, fast-paced, and rife with tension, The Woken Gods brilliantly pits loyalty against survival, trust against inevitability, and love against fear.” — Carrie Ryan, New York Times bestselling author of The Forest of Hands and Teeth series

Get it at Amazon (for now, for any kind of ebooks at some point). And if you’ve already read the book please feel free to review it!

This is NOT the big news of Monday. That’s coming later. MWAHAHA. Oh and p.s. the Fallout Read-Along is underway and super fun. Join us!

The Woken Gods is back! Read More »

Fallout (Re)Read Group!

I’ve set up a group for the Lois Lane: Fallout Read-Along over at Goodreads, where I’ll post a kick-off thread each week starting March 20. I plan to divulge some tidbits about writing the book, and will happily answer questions and I hope you guys will discuss. You can also ask questions or comment on twitter or tumblr — just make sure you use the tag #FalloutReread — and if there’s call for it, we could do a weekly half-hour chat on twitter about that week’s chapters too. Basically, I’m game for whatever makes this group reading project the most fun for everyone!

Reading schedule:

Week of March 20 – Chapters 1-4
Week of March 27 – Chapters 5-9
Week of April 3 – Chapters 10-14
Week of April 10 – Chapters 15-19
Week of April 17 – Chapters 20-26

One week break then DOUBLE DOWN comes out. Yay!

Join the group here.

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Monday Lois Miscellany

Good morning, dearies. I hope your clocks are all reset and the sun is shining to compensate for the blergh of DST. I think perhaps I will get to reveal to you a MOST EXCITING THING this week (finally!), but today some miscellaneous things.

  • I wrote a piece about why Lois Lane matters for the Guardian (!!), which ran on Friday. I’m really proud of how this turned out, so check it out and share if you’re so inclined.
  • I also did a 10 Things I Love About Lois Lane for Maximum Pop.
  • I’ll be chatting with Mariam Khan (and you?) for #FeminisminYA at 7:30 p.m. UK time/3:30 p.m. Eastern Standard tomorrow on twitter.
  • The ebook sale is almost over! So click with the clickety if you haven’t! And if you’re an ebook fan, it looks like the preorder of Double Down is also on sale. I’ll put up the details for the group read-along of Fallout later this week, but basically we’ll have a hashtag and I’ll be lurking to answer any questions during discussion on a certain evening each week covering a few chapters for the next month.


Last but not least, if I met you at SEYA you were delightful. What a fun time that was. And now back to work.

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Events This Week, Ahoy!

In the midst of writing all the things, there’s a lot else going on this week. A rundown of where you can catch me.

Tomorrow, Tuesday night March 8, I’ll be part of a panel at Joseph-Beth Booksellers here in Lexington with Victoria Schwab, on tour for her NEW YORK TIMES’ BESTSELLING (yay!) A Gathering of Shadows, and Julie Kagawa, New York Times’ bestselling author of many wonderful books. I’ll happily sign copies of Lois Lane: Fallout (including the brand-new paperback!) or sit idly admiring these two amazing writers and women. I can guarantee you a fun evening, so come out.


Then it’s off to Murfreesboro, Tennessee, for the first-ever Southeastern Young Adult Book Festival (SEYA for short; follow them on twitter), which looks like it’s going to be a gobsmackingly amazing time. I’m doing a school visit Thursday afternoon with Alan Gratz (mwahaha) and Friday is teen day for schools that have already booked which will feature many things including hijinks from me, Carrie Ryan, and Alan.

SE-YA logo - jpeg

But Saturday is Community Day and open to anyone and you can see the full schedule here for why you should get there if you’re nearby. Here’s my events for Saturday:

11 – 1 p.m. Signing Bookstore

2:15-3:00 p.m.: Discussion Panel with Victoria Schwab, Beth Revis, Gwenda Bond, Kristin Tubb
LRC 221

3:15 – 4:00 p.m. Signing Bookstore

All events at:

MTSU campus
1301 East Main St.
Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37132

Hope to see some of you there!

And Thursday is Lois Lane: Fallout release day in the UK, so I’ll be back to post more then. Have a great week, all!

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The Collected Wisdom Handout

I taught this week’s session of the Young Women Writers Project, a tremendous program the Carnegie Center here in town runs for teen writers with the support of the Kentucky Commission on Women and Toyota. It’s always a gift to work with such a talented bunch of girls, and I watch out for their world-conquering feats forever after. This year was no exception.

I asked on Twitter and Facebook for things that women wished they had heard or been taught as young writers or what they’d say to teen girl writers, and the results were so good I collected them into a handout that we went through during our professional development/business time. No reason to be stingy, here are the results — which are valuable for all of us. Thanks everyone for chiming in (and feel free to add new thoughts in the comments; I have a feeling I’ll be updating this to use again).

Your voice matters. – Cate Tiernan (and me, and everyone you should listen to)

I wish someone’d told me that the rules every one of my profs harped on didn’t actually matter. Things are changing. Change faster. Danika Stone

Your words and thoughts matter. Don’t be afraid to own your ideas. Elizabeth DiEmanuele

That not all stories are meant for everyone. It’s more important to write what makes you and your audience happy. Kate Focke Pearson

It’s okay if your subject matter/genre is different from what’s trendy with your peers. Kate Linnea

In my Creative Writing B.A, I wish they would’ve stressed the importance of networking in addition to quality. It is one thing to write well and deliver on time. People, however, are crucial to building a career as a writer. Readers and fellow pros. Monica Valentinelli

I wish someone had taught me then how to revise my own work — know what worked, what didn’t, and how to fix. Courtney Stevens

How to assess feedback: what hones the story you’re trying to write and what merely takes it in a different direction. Carrie Patel

I feel like past me needed to be constantly reminded that there was no “trick” to being published, just good writing. Beth Revis

You don’t have to Iove books billed as “classics.” You’re not less of a writer if Huck Finn isn’t your cup of tea. Nivea Serrao

That feeling like you’re starting from scratch with every book doesn’t mean you’ve forgotten how to write one. Emma Trevayne

Your instructor’s tastes and priorities may not apply to the work you want to do. I am quietly sure that the instructor who told me my work was “too sentimental” set me back ten years, easy. Andrea Phillips

Characters should only speak when they have something to say. You don’t have to force it. Katherine Chappell

Write every single day. One sentence. A page. A paragraph. One sentence. Even on days when you don’t feel like it. Erika Rose

Give your work to friends you trust to be both honest AND encouraging in giving their opinions about it! Then revise again and again. Stephanie Burgis

SILENCE THE CRITIC. Write. Experiment. Start stories and stop them, start another one. Don’t worry about how “good” it is. Practice. Terra Elan McVoy

Success as a writer (or musician, or artist) is 95% perseverance. As long as you don’t quit, you’re still on track. James Sutter

Be bold. Write about the familiar as well as the unknown. Renee Carter

Thinking about writing doesn’t replace actual-fax writing. (Though thinking time is important.) Victoria Janssen

Here’s one I got from my mother “don’t overthink, just write.” Book Girl

Stealing from Kate Wilhelm, but I wish I’d been told: Never take your husband’s name, at least not professionally. Colleen Cooper

Don’t let it diminish your light when your (male) profs tell you that the feminism in your writing is ‘cute.’ Lisa Mantchev

When you’re a tween/teen, it’s hard for mean words to not get to you. However, there’s still amazing people in the world. Find your own voice. Write about the things you love not because someone else is doing it. Let your passion flag fly high! Nerd and Lace

Your voice matters. And you’re responsible for what you put out into the world. What message are you sending? What communication are you trying to make? Cate Tiernan/Gabrielle Charbonnet

Genre writing is just as important as “literary” fiction. You can’t edit a blank page and really, it’s okay for your first draft to be not great. Imposter syndrome will never go away, so get used to pushing through it now! Laura Lam

Women have societal expectations to be Pinterest-queens, inspiring spouses and Attached Parents. Treat writing like becoming a doctor or lawyer – study, craft, and think of your characters like clients or patients. M L Konett

You don’t need anyone’s permission. Laurie Thompson

It’s not conceit to acknowledge your strength, particularly when you balance it with with gratitude (to those who may have taught or helped you, to God or the universe, or good genes). Or just: It’s not conceit to acknowledge your strengths. Heidi Shulz

“No” is a complete sentence. Tracy Winfield Holczer

Your time has value. Remember that when you feel the urge to fret or slack or waste precious moments doubting yourself…and remember it when people ask you to write or present for free. Your time has value. Nikki Loftin

If you don’t learn to value yourself, no one else will value you. Sarah Darer

1. It’s OK to “not know,” to revisit, rethink…revise along the way—that’s why many of us write, to do just that. 2. Being supportive doesn’t mean that you should do someone else’s research or work for them. Olugbemisola Amusashonubi-Perkovich‪

Your voice is equal to anyone else’s in the room. (Well, maybe not if you’re with President Obama but you get my drift.) Cheryl Blackford

Ignore the haters. Find the people who enable you to do your work. Support your peers and cheer for their successes. Read everything. Don’t double-space after periods. Gwenda Bond


Your voice matters.


(This wisdom collected from Twitter and Facebook in Feb. 2016 especially for you.)

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GIRL ON A WIRE Kindle Daily Deal + Contest Winners


You can get GIRL ON A WIRE on the cheap today, so why don’t you?




Feel free to spread the word!

I would type more, but my fingers are VERY COLD because Christopher and I did an outdoor shoot this morning for new author photos (together and solo). But winners of the advance copies of GIRL IN THE SHADOWS (who I’ll email for addies) are:

Paula, Jessie, and Andrea. *tosses confetti*

Have a great weekend, everyone!

GIRL ON A WIRE Kindle Daily Deal + Contest Winners Read More »

ConFusion Schedule

I’ll be at ConFusion in Michigan next week, mostly wearing my Subterranean Press online hijinks hat. (So if you want to feel like you’re there, follow us on twitter where lots of live-tweeting will be happening.) But here’s the two programming items I’m also doing, and I’ll sign stuff if you want on Saturday (or just come make with the chit-chat):

  • Saturday 10:00 AM Relating to Young Adult
    A lot of time is spent discussing how Young Adult and Adult interface, losing sight, perhaps, of the more important link between Middle Grade and Young Adult. What expectations are Middle Grade readers bringing into Young Adult? How do those expectations reflect the fiction they find as they move up a reading level? Can Middle Grade explain the glut of dystopias in Young Adult? Jenny Thurman, Courtney Allison Moulton, Merrie Haskell (M), Susan Dennard, Gwenda Bond
  • Saturday 4:00 PM Autograph Session 1
  • Sunday 12:00 PM The Business of Rejection
    Writing is a business built around rejection. Almost every writer in the industry has experienced it at some point, and many experience it constantly. Come learn how working writers deal with rejection, move past it, and embrace it for what it is. Amy Sundberg, Kameron Hurley, Greg van Eekhout, Dave Robison (M), Gwenda Bond
 See you there? I hope so!

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Weekly Update, The First

Well, there may be other updates too, but I’m determined to drop a little something here every week (or just about) this year.


This past one was my first week of new life and times, obviously. There was slightly less of a learning curve than I expected. While my normal deadlines and some new ones have commenced again, I had a few days to play around with a new book and getting that first 10K is always the hardest for me. (I’m just over 5K, which was my goal for last week!)

I went to my first silks class of the new year.


First silks class of the new year! (I could feel all that champers. Ack.)

A photo posted by Gwenda Bond (@gwendabond) on


I’ve been in aerial yoga for awhile now, but this was my first full-on aerial silks class since Intro one and two and boy, did I have some impressive bruises the next day. Worth it, natch.

And I started my new job for Subterranean Press, which I’m having a lot of fun with. (Follow us on twitter at @subpress and like us on Facebook — go on DO IT. I’ll wait. We have so much planned.)



I didn’t manage to get as much writing done as I wanted the first few days of the week, so I decided to try the coffee shop down the street. Could it be my cute co-workers distracting me?


The triumvirate at work, 2016.

A photo posted by Gwenda Bond (@gwendabond) on


While I was there my friend Sarah Combs, who I don’t get to see nearly often enough appeared at my side: “Gwenda, is that you? Why are you here on a Thursday morning? Did you leave your job?” And then we had a congratulatory catch-up hug and an impromptu writing lunch.  What else? I got a closer-to-final Girl in the Shadows cover and it is AMAZING and copyedits for same (the copyeditor said nice things, yay!), which I’m working on this week. Magic, new routine established. 

Oh, and I decided to play in Christopher’s Pathfinder game as a fox-woman swashbuckler based on Claudette Colbert. Because, why not?

Plus, I totally touched the display.


Really thinking about touching the display.

A photo posted by Gwenda Bond (@gwendabond) on


It was a pretty grand week, is what I’m saying. I think this is going to turn out to be the best decision I ever made. This morning we had long-distance staff meeting, then I went to the coffee shop and finished up some pitches for a possible THING(S) and sent them off, and now doing more copyedits. Already, I feel like life is much more manageable, not to mention the time for more silly moments.

But also, the time for more focus trained where I would like it to be. As you can probably tell, I always kept my work lives completely separate (DO NOT CROSS THE STREAMS). This meant I often felt like I was maintaining two separate identities. My real life, and the other one. It was real too, and I’m proud of all the work I did there and I did my job to the best of my ability. But it wasn’t where my heart truly was. There wasn’t as much me in it.

I feel like I only have to live my real life now.


It’s a gift and I’m enjoying it. I know inevitably stresses will come and it won’t all be action figures and lunches out, but I can already tell the good will be worth it. Which is all I could ask of 2016.


On a sadder note: Goodbye, David Bowie. The world will never be the same.

Weekly Update, The First Read More »

My Year in Review 2015 + News for 2016

LoisLanefinalcoverI hardly even know where to start with this year — a busy, crazy, very good year. And a year that pushed me to a big decision I’d put off for a long time (more on that toward the end — no skipping!).

I started 2015 writing the first of the free Lois Lane prequel stories (now available for your kindle), and then it was full steam ahead into the release of Fallout. While all that was happening — including the release — I was hard at work on the sequel, Double Down.

Things like this happened:

And I did a ton of interviews; some of my favorites are linked here and here. I also got to go on tour with four of my favorite ladies in the universe. dangerousladies

Here’s hoping we can reprise Dangerous Ladies this year at some point. And you might find a little easter egg reference to it hidden in Double Down. I also went to some fabulous events and heard from a lot of readers, and was completely humbled by the reactions and support. Over the summer, I concentrated on writing the first draft of the companion novel to Girl on a Wire, which is titled Girl in the Shadows (I will have a cover to show you extremely soon!).

On the personal side, things were so busy and I was doing so much writing and publicity for Lois (while still going to my day job) that I started to have horrible back issues that ended up being a rib out of alignment. This took a couple of months of physical therapy to fix. In June, our beloved Emma the Dog went in for what was meant to be a routine, benign tumor removal only for us to be informed that she had malignant cancer, a giant tumor in her liver, and might only make it a few weeks, a month or two at most. This was also the day we got the offer on our middle grade book, because life is funny that way.

Somewhere in here, I realized that it was not actually normal to feel incredibly anxious ALL THE TIME. Finally, after nearly having a full-blown panic attack while we were in Atlanta for DragonCon and Decatur Book Festival (you probably didn’t know if you were there, I am good at covering), I went to my doctor and asked for anxiety meds. To say I should have done it far, far sooner is an understatement. We also celebrated our eleventh wedding anniversary in Atlanta. Best decision I ever made (the marriage, not celebrating in Atlanta;).


All these stories make up a happy ending to this year. I discovered aerial silks, which I’d probably have remained too chicken to try without the anxiety meds, and the local fitness center I go to for aerial yoga and et cetera is now one of my favorite FAVORITE places. Also, I managed to finish another book without anything like the usual body woes. Magic. Me at my very first class:

IMG_1447 Emma the Dog started doing very well on a prednisone regimen and continues to do so. Just last week, she indulged in chocolate intended for a publishing house. (She recovered overnight and went desperately seeking more chocolate only to be DENIED.) IMG_1766

We finally got to tell y’all about the middle grade right before Thanksgiving. Writing this together completely creatively revitalized me at a time I was feeling burned out. It’s just so much fun, and I hope everyone else thinks so too.


So, to recap writing-wise: I wrote two Lois short stories, Lois Lane: Double Down (92,000 words) and Girl in the Shadows (105,000 words) and co-revised Welcome to Hotel Monster (about 77,000 words) this year. While still also going to my day job of some seventeen years, which I have really hesitated to leave, though I’ve considered whether it was time for the past couple of years. I enjoy it. It makes a difference in the world. I have gotten to work with some amazing people. It was never dull.

But…it’s time. Some of you already know this, and I gave notice last week. Yes, I’m FINALLY taking the plunge and becoming a stay-at-home writer type. I’m SO excited to have more balance and to be able to focus more and really take advantage of the opportunities I’m lucky enough to have right now. My last day in the office will be next Wednesday. I’ll be snagging some insurance on kynect and working from home. I have a lot of projects I’m excited for, including a comics thing that I can’t wait to tell y’all about, and I’m playing around with a new novel idea or two. There’s a lot of travel coming up in 2016, plus two book releases plus the one I can’t divulge yet. Plus another middle grade to write! I’m also working on getting updated, redesigned editions of Blackwood and The Woken Gods out in e-book during the first couple of months this year.

I think, however, even with so much going on, that I’d still have been too scared to make the leap if it wasn’t for another opportunity that popped up at just the right time. I’m going to be working for Subterranean Press as their social media consultant starting in January. Oh, what fun we will have together on the twitters and the Facebook! Bill and Yanni are two of the most wonderful people in publishing, and I’m a long-time fan of theirs and the work they do. I’m THRILLED to get to be a part of it. Subterranean_press_logo

This also means I’ll be at ConFusion in Michigan at the end of January. And allll of this means that 2016 is going to be my year of embracing risks and twirling around in the air and who knows what it will bring, what life will look like by this time next year, and exactly what I’ll have written by then? Not me.

That’s the most exciting part. This is going to be fun.

(Also: buy my books. For everyone you know.)

My Year in Review 2015 + News for 2016 Read More »

YALLfest things!

YALLFestAre you coming to Charleston this weekend? I hope so!

Here are my schedulings + a link to the master schedule:

  • Noon – Signing! The first TEN people in line will get an ARC of Lois Lane: Double Down! And everyone will get a What Would Lois Lane Do? bracelet/swag.
  • 2 p.m. Music Hall: Jedis vs. Superheroes: Moderator, Adri Cowan with Margaret Stohl, Gwenda Bond, Brandon Sanderson, Alexandra Bracken, & Adam Gidwitz. We have Black Widow, Lois Lane, & Steelheart on the one side. Princess Leia & Yoda on the other. Our judge is from Marvel, but the force is strong with her. Come join the debate.

  • 4 p.m. Museum: Strong Female Characters, Ugh! Moderator Rae Carson with Ryan Graudin, Gwenda Bond, Mindy McGinnis, Elizabeth Wein, & Maya Van Wagenen. Let’s talk about the state of our YA girls, or, why we still have to have this panel.

  • 6 p.m. YA Smackdown!


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