
Previews and Things, Oh My!

So, today is the very last day to get the Girl on a Wire ebook for just $1.99. The audio version is also a “Fantastic Find” on sale at Audible through today for just $3.95. (You can also add the audio for $1.99 if you own the Kindle version, so.)

Comic Book Resources did an exclusive preview for Girl Over Paris #1 — go check it out! Here’s a little taste:


And remember, these are the ways to snag issue 1:


And Girl in the Shadows is out next week! Ack! And I was in the local paper.

If you’re in the Boston area, I’ll be at Porter Square Books with Molly Gloss one week from today on Thursday, July 7, at 7 p.m.

Okay, back to work.

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News of the Week

News of the week!

  • Hey, Girl on a Wire is a Book Bub today and on sale for a few more days for just $1.99!

Deal details here.


Still running, go enter!

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Various Things + Lexington Event This Weekend

Hey-o, I’ll be sending out this week’s tinyletter later today (from my sick bed; drapes hand across brow in put-upon fashion) (no big deal just a poorly-timed virus, yuck), but wanted to drop some quick things here.

I’ll be doing my first Lexington event since Double Down came out at Barnes & Noble in Hamburg this Sunday at 2 p.m. as part of the national B-Fest. Come out and say hi and get books signed! Here’s the details.

You guys already know that Girl on a Wire is on sale ALL MONTH on Kindle for $1.99 (the paperback is also cheap right now at Amazon, btw). Well, if ebooks are your jam, you can also enter a Goodreads giveaway to win one of 100 (!) ebook copies of Girl in the Shadows that’ll be in your hot little Kindle-hands on release day, I do believe. Or you can just preorder it. *bats eyelashes*

Speaking of things that are out next month for which I DO feel ready…the first issue of Girl Over Paris drops the day after Girl in the Shadows comes out. I’ll have a post next week about the various ways to order: in short, ask your local comic shop to order it for you, get it from Amazon (who, yes, will even ship you the print issue), or on Comixology. A collection of all four issues will be out this fall, but you don’t want to wait. Because BEHOLD the majesty of all four covers by the amazingly genius Ming Doyle…

Issue one:



Issue 2:



Issue three:



And issue four:

Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) 1


It’s just been a joy to work with such a great team and our fabulous editor at Jet City on this. I can’t wait for you guys to read it. And that’s it, I think!

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Little Updates

News this week from the Deadline Bunker? (You can get this kind of stuff and way more gabby stuff weekly by signing up for my tinyletter.)

Look what exists!

Girl in the Shadows author copies came! Yay! My magician girl has a whole book of her own. I hope you guys like it!

And how about I give you a sneak peek of the variant cover for issue one of Girl Over Paris by Brittney Williams (eep! I feel so fancy to have a variant cover!) and the cover for the second issue of Girl Over Paris by Ming Doyle? I am just continually even more excited for everyone to read this.

Ahhh, the gorgeousness. You can find order links to all the Cirque American stuff here.

I also had some new interviews about Double Down and various things this week:

Hope everyone had a lovely long weekend!

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Geek Love In Memoriam Book Club

I think all writers–all readers, and most every writer I know is a reader first–has those handful of authors that they have a specific fascination with. Those writers that we encountered at a point where their work became part of us, their voices a promise of what was possible with words. Katherine Dunn was a writer like that for me. I first read her in high school. I can’t remember why I picked up Geek Love. Was it because of my latent love of the circus, already there because of the one-ring circus that spent a week or two outside my elementary school and how immediately Philippe Petit charmed me during an earlyish Letterman appearance? Was I just browsing at the bookstore, sold by the cover? Did Sassy Magazine recommend it? That’s the way I discovered a lot of things.

I tend to think it was probably a serendipitous bookstore pick, though, because I tend to have firmer memories of books being recommended by friends or certain media or placed in my hands from that period. And I would have been susceptible not just to the cover, but to the National Book Award nominated tag. However it made its way into my hands, it was this edition.


To say I loved (LOVE) this book is an understatement of the highest order. Katherine Dunn became an immediate obsession of mine. I read her first two books–Truck and Attic–and was comforted even as a young writer by how they were interesting, but not the works of genius that Geek Love had ascended to. And then, at my first day job, where I sat at a desk at least some of the time (in the Governor’s Office, natch) I took up searching for her name and discovered that a great deal of her regular writing–columns on boxing and movies–were ending up online. I followed her byline like a religion for years afterward. I was one of the gleeful when she popped up in the news for having beaten off an attacker in a Whole Foods parking lot several years back, because of course she’d taken up boxing as an adult. I ended up talking with a former sales rep for Knopf at a party in Decatur and the book came up and I learned the first edition had an added leg on the famous borzoi logo (confirmed last night, so it’s wonderful and true). I felt the same excitement everyone did when the Paris Review editor coaxed that excerpt of The Cut Man from her; we might finally get a new Katherine Dunn novel. I didn’t care what it was about.

We may still yet get it–but no matter what, it’s a truly sad thing that Katherine Dunn is no longer here with us. The world was a better, stranger place with her in it. I say that purely as a fan; I know people who knew her, and I offer all of her friends and family my greatest sympathies. A former Clarion student of hers, Jessica Reisman, described her personality to me like this on twitter last night: “Charming and profane in equal measure, dry, and so so smart.” Which is exactly how I’d always imagined her.

One perfect, rich, odd book that spoke to the freak in so many of us is a big legacy to leave behind. My first thought last night (after sorrow) was that it’s been far too long since I’ve read Geek Love and that we really should have some sort of group reading In Memoriam. So let’s get our books in the next couple of weeks and read or reread it together during June, okay? I can host posts here and we can use twitter OR I’m happy to set up a Goodreads group; if anyone has strong feelings either way, drop them in the comments.


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Double Down Is Here! (+ YALLWEST Photos)

So… I missed posting here for release day, traveling and then recovering from yet another round of my late trapped-in-airport curse. But the sequel to Fallout is now available wherever fine books are sold; if you visit a store that doesn’t have it, just ask them to order it for you!

The details:

Double Down Final Cover

Lois Lane has settled in to her new school. She has friends, for maybe the first time in her life. She has a job that challenges her. And her friendship is growing with SmallvilleGuy, her online maybe-more-than-a-friend. But when her friend Maddy’s twin collapses in a part of town she never should’ve been in, Lois finds herself embroiled in a dangerous mystery that brings her closer to the dirty underbelly of Metropolis.

Buy links here. Please drop a review somewhere once you’ve read it, if you’re so inclined.

Kirkus gave Double Down a star and said: “That’s a lot of balls to juggle, but Bond never drops a single one. She fills this adventure with the Golden Age sci-fi weirdness that permeated the comic books of the 1930s and ’40s. The three mysteries dovetail together nicely in the end, with a few bread crumbs leading toward the next installment. Best of all, the novel ends as Lois crosses a line she will never be able to turn back from, a line that will mean big changes moving forward. In a sea of series that keep the characters status quo and rehash the same mysteries with different names and doodads, this is a godsend.”

And here’s Tim Hanley: “For me, Gwenda Bond writes the best Lois Lane out there right now. The best Lois of the 21st century, really, at least. When I wrote Investigating Lois Lane, I read/saw/listened to pretty much everything Lois has been in, and Bond’s Lois is one of my very favourites. She encompasses everything I love about past incarnations of the character while also being fresh, modern, and unique in her own way. Here’s a spoiler for my own book: Fallout and Double Down are the last things I talk about in Investigating Lois Lane, and there’s a reason for that. In an era where Lois has been criminally underused, Bond has crafted a Lois that shows why she’s a relevant, fantastic character who deserves the spotlight.”

Thanks so much to everyone who has supported this series; I adore you all. Last week’s tinyletter talks about where book three stands (aka in the hands of the fate), so keep spreading the word.

And now some YALLWEST pics (it was fabulous)…


Blue ladies, me, Shannon Hale and Holly Black


Me and Holly again

IMG_3556Me and Alaya Dawn Johnson in the green room

IMG_3604Tiger Beat doing a gorgeous Prince tribute number

IMG_3618I finally got to hang out with Kate Leth! Team Girl Over Paris!

IMG_3624Speaking of which… some hijinks ensued. Kate, Marguerite Bennett photobomb by Jeremy Lambert.


Me, Marguerite, and Kate


Last but not least, I took my new instant camera and yesterday made a little board with all the (not)Polaroids I took with it. Good times!

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Where I’ll Be at YALLWEST!

Hey there! Wow, NTTBF was some amazingness. One of the best events I’ve ever been to. Annnnd festival month’s big finale is coming up this weekend — YALLWEST! If you’re there, come say hi. There will be copies of Double Down for sale and then officially all across the land! First week sales are very important, so if you can swing it you have my gratitude.

Here’s where I’ll be….

Friday night preview party:

  • Humiliating myself at some point in a classic country duet with Kody Keplinger (who is one of the only people that could talk me into this)


  • HEROES & VILLAINS (THE CHICKEN & THE EGG) (MG/YA): 11 a.m. Barnum: Which Comes First? Which Matters More? Good guys, bad guys, and so-bad-they’re-good guys. Moderated by Sabaa Tahir, with Victoria Aveyard, Leigh Bardugo, Gwenda Bond, Ransom Riggs, Kiersten White & Neal Shusterman
  • THE PANEL CREATIVELY TITLED “THRILLERS” (YA): 2 p.m. Humanities Building: No mere mortal can resist the pull of a thriller, but it’s not easy to pull off. What makes a thriller fierce – or flop? Moderated by Gwenda Bond, with Alaya Dawn Johnson, Brendan Reichs, Brenna Yovanoff
  • Signing: 3 p.m. (I’ll have some What Would Lois Lane Do? wristbands with me, but I’m running low so if you want one this is a good time to score it! Also possibly a few Girl in the Shadows ARCs…)


  • Signing: 2 p.m.
  • STORY/MAKERS: COMICS & ADAPTATIONS (MG/ YA): 3 p.m. Cafetorium: Make it your own – but how? Moderated by Lorraine Cink, with Gwenda Bond, Kami Garcia, Ryan North, Danielle Paige, Margaret Stohl

Then I will collapse. Haha, just kidding, then deadlines.

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Where I’ll Be At RT Convention!

I’m so excited to finally be experiencing the legendary RT Convention firsthand, and in Vegas no less!

My hair is now ALL blue (et voila), so if you see me say hi!

Here’s where I’ll be:

YA: Who Runs the World? Girls!

Hit TV series like The 100Agent Carter, and Game of Thrones are starting to reflect what readers and authors have known all along: Women in charge make for fierce and fabulous fiction. Which shows do the best job of portraying women in positions of power? What makes strong female characters so captivating? Join top YA authors for a discussion of formidable females in pop culture entertainment. Moderator: Rae Carson Panelist(s): Kass MorganRichelle MeadDanielle PaigeVeronica Rossi (aka Noelle August)Gwenda Bond, and Michelle Knudsen.

Friday, April 15, 10:00am-11:00am, Conga

YA: Humble Beginnings: Your Favorite YA Authors Share Their Teen Writing

Authors are blessed by the writing gods from the moment they pick up a pen or touch a keyboard…aren’t they? Decide for yourself as more than a dozen YA authors read excerpts from the poems, stories, and fan fiction they wrote as teens. Moderator: Bree Despain Panelist(s): Kass MorganRachel HawkinsAdi AlsaidGwenda BondAnn AguirreJenna Black (aka Abby Lombard)Rebecca DonovanSophie JordanC.C. Hunter (aka Christie Craig)Amalie HowardCourtney StevensBrodi Ashton

Saturday, April 16, 5:00pm-5:45pm, Palma A
I’ll also be signing at Saturday Teen Day from 10 to 2! See you in Vegas!

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The Cirque American Is Coming To Comics!

OH. MY. WORD. I have never wanted to blab so much about anything, and yay, today we finally get to tell you about a project that’s been months in the making!

My divine editor for Girl on a Wire and Girl in the Shadows Courtney Miller and Jet City Comics editor Paul Morrissey asked me last winter if I would have any interest in telling a side story about the Cirque American, perhaps set between Girl on a Wire and Girl in the Shadows, IN COMICS. And who is on my dream team list and they’d do their best to get them on board.

Of course, I said YES and proceeded to name my favorites. Never in my wildest dreams did I think we would actually get Kate freaking Leth on board to write and Ming freaking Doyle on board for the art. But we did! And so we’ve all been working on a four-issue miniseries that will come out starting in July, to your local comic shop and Comixology, and then be available in a bind-up thereafter. Today we get to show you the cover for the first issue and reveal a little about the series. PREPARE TO SWOON at Ming’s beautiful cover.




Issue 1 Description / Series Description

From acclaimed fantasy writer Gwenda Bond (Girl on a WireGirl in the Shadows), this four-issue comic book series features a new stand-alone story set within the world of Bond’s exotic, magical Cirque American. Written by New York Times bestselling comic book writer Kate Leth (Patsy Walker A.K.A. HellcatAdventure Time: Seeing Red) and featuring stunning art by acclaimed artist Ming Doyle (The KitchenConstantine: The Hellblazer).

After a high-profile tumble, Cirque American’s star wire walker, Jules Maroni, has a lot to prove—and her invitation to an exclusive exhibition in Paris looks to be just the opportunity to put her back on top. Unfortunately, the City of Lights glitters with distractions, including the presence of her first serious boyfriend and a mysterious figure haunting the venue.


Jules and Remy are going to Paris! There will be high wire walks above the city and drama and perilous trips into the Catacombs and I just can’t wait for you guys to read this. This project has been such a gift, and I’m learning so much working with these two wonderful geniuses. You can order the first issue on Amazon now and on Comixology or ask your local comic shop to order it for you (it’ll be in Previews in May!). It comes out July 6, the day after Girl in the Shadows release day. More to come.

You absolutely can read this without having read Girl on a Wire or Girl in the Shadows, but it will be extra fun if you have read Girl on a Wire I think!


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