And this week's ep is:
The Target. Echo becomes the ultimate outdoorswoman when she is is hired by a handsome young client named Richard, but it may turn out that neither of the pair is what they seem to be. Meanwhile, Agent Ballard receives a clue about Echo's past, and we learn about Dr. Saunders' scars.
Post thoughts in the comments after if you got 'em.
See also:
Maureen Ryan's interview with Tahmoh Penikett over at The Watcher, where he says a couple of things that give me hope things will get good if we hang in there:
To help viewers understand "Dollhouse's" provocative concept, the first few episodes are self-contained hours focused on Echo's weekly adventures. But Penikett says that midway through the show’s 13-episode season, the mythology will kick into high gear.
"Halfway through the season, you'll start seeing some of the main story lines and arcs developed in a more serious way, around the fifth episode. I think that's when Joss and his writing team really found their feet and said, 'OK, this is what we wanted. This is what we were aiming at and we’ve got it now,'" Penikett said.
"I can't tell you how confidence-building it is when you experience that," the actor added. "Because as everyone knows, we had somewhat of a tumultuous start. There was a lot of speculation, a lot of bad press, and you inevitably get caught up in it a little bit. … Once I read the fifth and sixth episode, specifically [Episode 6, the Whedon-penned] 'Man on the Street,' I was like, 'This is it. This is the show.'"
And if you want to see some interesting thoughts about the first episode, check out this Coffee & Ink post.