
Friday Hangovers

Where is the sun? Will it ever return? In the meantime, a few links.

Have a great weekend, my lovelies.

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Tuesday Hangovers Et Things

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Tuesday Hangovers

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Thursday Hangovers

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Wednesday Hangovers

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Tuesday Hangovers

Some links, old and new:

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(Massive) Saturday Hangovers

  • Oh, the links, they have been piling up.
  • Lorrie Moore reviews some recent memoirs: "People are telling us their personal stories and speaking to us of their private lives and even if the structure is rickety and the prose has, to borrow Dick Cavett’s phrase, “all the sparkle of a second mortgage,” we are going to hang in there because it is true. That the facts and details of these jumbled confessions are occasionally fudged and embellished, however, seems inevitable, given the limits of memory and the demands of writing. (There are many things a storyteller must add and subtract to tell a good story.)" 
  • Julia Sweeney and her daughter have The Frogs and Tadpoles Conversation: But what do they do with their legs? 
  • George Saunders interviewed: "I’d make the case that the whole fictional thrill has to do with this idea of the reader and the writer closely tracking, if you will. Like one of those motorcycle sidecars: when the writer leans left, the reader does too. You don’t want your reader three blocks away, unaware that you are leaning. You want her right there with you, so that even an added comma makes a difference. And I think building that motorcycle has to do with that very odd moment when the writer “imagines” his reader—i.e., imagines where the reader “is” at that precise point in the story. This is more of a feeling thing than an analytical thing, but all that is good about fiction depends on this extrapolation. Which is pretty insane, when you think of it. The writer, in order to proceed, is theoretically trying to predict where his complex skein of language and image has left his reader, who he has likely never met and who is actually thousands of readers. Yikes! Better we should do something easier, like join the circus."
  • "Scientists Discover 657 Islands Sitting Under Our Noses."
  • Sarah Rees Brennan's great post about the importance of difference and diversity in our stories.
  • Elif Batuman asks Jonathan Franzen for weed and other amusing things.
  • Great post from the fabulous Toni McGee Causey on POV.
  • I gobbled up Cassie's City of Fallen Angels in one blissful day. She just keeps getting better and better, and really, writers, if you aren't reading her, you should be. I can't think of anyone better at continually raising the stakes for her characters, both internally and externally. Her spoiler/answer post is worth your time and is full of excellent thoughts: "Authors tend to torment the characters they love, not the characters they don't care about. Characters must want and love and suffer for them to feel real. Like real people, characters reveal themselves through suffering—it is under pressure that your true self comes to the forefront." (And, um, post is obviously full of spoilers, so don't read it if you haven't read the book and care about being spoiled.)
  • An absolute must-read wise post from Veronica Roth on fear, anxiety and how not to let it wreck your ability to work: "Writing is about decisions. Your characters make them, but more often, you make them. You decide what you are going to say and what you are not going to say; what you believe and what you do not believe; where you want the story to go and where you do not want it to go. And I don't want to be a writer who is ruled by fear. I want to be the one who says: they may not like it, but this story is as true as possible, so I don't mind."
  • So, I recently read Franny Billingsley's Chime (my review will be in an upcoming issue of Locus), and became obsessed with it (totally brilliant), and with reading all her interviews about it: Horn Book, Goodreads (by Libba Bray), and PW. You must read this book, and all these interviews are well worth reading too; I particularly liked what she had to say about geography informing mythology in the PW interview: "Once I found a geography, I could write it. I think that for some people geography is not so important, but for me, and for a lot of fantasy writers, the geography absolutely has to make sense in terms of the magical context or else you just can't go anyplace."
  • A short meditation in the Guardian on the second meeting scene in Bringing Up Baby, which I'm just about to rewatch.
  • What English sounds like to those who don't speak it. Wonderful.
  • Zadie Smith's rules for writers. Good stuff.
  • Is there anyone who doesn't adore Colson Whitehead and think he's brilliant and hilarious? Case in point: his recent essay for PW: "There are those who moan, oh, Shakespeare wouldn't have written all those wonderful plays for us to "modern update" if he'd had Angry Birds and Darklady.com. Is it so terrible, here in the 21st century? A sonnet is perfect Tumblr-length, and given the persistent debates over the authorship of his work, the bard would have benefited from modern, cutting-edge identity theft protection. The old masters didn't even have freaking penicillin. I think Nietzsche would have endured non-BCC'd e-mail dispatches in exchange for pills to de-spongify his syphilitic brain, and we can all agree Virginia Woolf could've used a scrip for serotonin reuptake inhibitors. I digress. The Internet is not to blame for your unfinished novel: you are." Read the whole thing. I'd share a lukewarm white wine in the throes of trade show despair with him anytime.
  • I love it when Genevieve posts about fashion; some thoughts on royal wedding dresses. (And a most enormous full circle skirt. Twenty-five feet. Wowza.)

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Monday Hangovers

*Reserving the right to declare this pretty much every month, if needed.

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Wednesday Hangovers

  • "How Shakespeare Invented Teenagers" at the NYT, being an excerpt from the fascinating-sounding How Shakespeare Changed Everything by Stephen Marche: "The great French scholar Philippe Ariès concluded that for most of the Medieval period “people had no idea of what we call adolescence, and the idea was a long time taking shape.” Yet our whole modern understanding of adolescence is there to be found in this play. Shakespeare essentially created this new category of humanity, and in place of the usual mix of nostalgia and loathing with which we regard adolescents (and adolescence), Shakespeare would have us look at teenagers in a spirit of wonder. He loves his teenagers even as he paints them in all their absurdity and nastiness." Putting on my list for May, when it comes out.
  • The final typescript version of the last few chapters of Gone With the Wind have turned up in Connecticut at the Pequot Library (or, rather, they were there all along). The article includes a don't-miss description of the insane process Margaret Mitchell used when writing the book and the rush to get it ready for print. I'd never read about this before. A snippet: "From August 1935 to January 1936, Mitchell, with the help of John Marsh, her second husband (and best man at her marriage to the first), and some hired typists and stenographers, essentially rewrote and retyped the entire book, cutting, refining, straightening out inconsistencies and fixing historical inaccuracies. Until fairly late in the process the heroine was called Pansy, and when Mitchell changed the name to Scarlett, thank goodness, she paid 50 cents an hour to have every page mentioning Pansy retyped."
  • From the Things We Already Knew Department, it turns out rejection hurts.
  • My crazy last week kept me from posting some links in honor of Houdini's birthday: his last surviving stage assistant recently died at 103 (interesting tidbit: "Young then formed a dance act with Gilbert Kiamie, a New York businessman and the son of a wealthy silk lingerie magnate, and they gained international prominence for a Latin dance they created known as the rumbalero."), and a Christian Science Monitor piece by Eoin O'Carroll about why the world needs magicians ("I should probably disclose here that my mother has worked as a professional stage magician for most of my life. When I was a child, she made me take the Magician's Oath, in which I promised never to reveal the secret of a trick to a non-magician, and never to perform a trick before an audience until I was good enough not to blow the gaff.").
  • The Periodic Table of Fictional Materials.
  • A good piece on Jane Pratt's return.
  • Sarah Pekkanen on the gender divide in children's books; the piece concludes with some wise words from the wonderful David Levithan: “Whenever a book like this comes out of nowhere and becomes so big, people take notice,” wrote David Levithan, the trilogy’s editor, in an e-mail. “But I think the biggest take-away isn’t for there to be more dystopian fiction, or more Katniss-like characters. The take-away is that when you have an author with a singular vision, you should do everything you can to let her follow that vision.”
  • Wolf pup!

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Tuesday Hangovers

  • Sarah Vowell’s new book, Unfamiliar Fishes, is about the history of Hawaii. Be still my heart. A favorite topic of mine and I can’t wait to read her take on it. Kirkus talks to her about the book: “Most people picture this nonexistent, barely populated dream world of palm trees swaying in the breeze or something, instead of a real place with real people and problems, as well as an overwhelming number of military installations—the archipelago’s strategic location being the main reason the U.S. annexed Hawaii in the first place. Most of the time I was researching the book, the state was so broke that public schools were closed on Fridays. I mean, Hawaii is obviously a gorgeous place with nice weather, but it still exists in the objective reality of planet Earth.”
  • Niall Harrison at Strange Horizons undertakes a VIDA-style analysis of the gender breakdown of books published, reviewed and reviewers in genre magazines.
  • Justine Musk on kicking the procrastination and getting started.
  • Sean Beaudoin at Cyn’s on noir: “I loved them all, especially the failures. I loved the effort. I loved the swing from cool detachment to sweaty desperation, deepest black to crisp grey. I’m a sucker for a hard-boiled line, a cleft chin, a pantyhosed gam. I am transported by a failed escape, suitcases full of loot broken open on the runway, dollar bills being sucked into the propeller and chopped into hammy metaphorical bits.”
  • Nora Jemisin on whether the “rule of three” applies to SFF; interesting discussion in the comments too.
  • The ever-wise Sarah Rees Brennan asks what kind of online promotion works best for people. Related: My lovely agent was interviewed about her dog Moxie (complete with adorably deliciously cute pictures!) on Bobbie Pyron’s blog today, as part of the promo for Pyron’s new book, A Dog’s Way Home. I like interviews about dogs online promo! Which is really a way of saying I like valuable content that isn’t a direct shill. I do not like endless discussion of the same exact thing or buy! buy! buy! (One or two buy!s are fine, though; we all gotta pay the bills.) But, like most successful things online, promotion works best when you’re adding something to this rich gift economy–so it’s more than just promotion. If your online promo feels like the awfulest work imaginable when you’re doing it, figure out what you could be doing that would make it fun and valuable instead. This increases the odds others will also find it valuable, and means it’s not wasted time no matter the return. Voila.

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