
Tuesday Hangovers

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Tuesday Hangovers

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Tuesday Hangovers

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Tuesday Hangovers

Hello, my pretties.

  • Mapletree7 over at Book of the Day uses the cleverest phrase ever to describe Iain Banks’ The Bridge: "The Bridge is a psychological tour de France." Emphasis mine.
  • Colleen loves Wintering by Kate Moses and relates to Sylvia Plath, overwhelmed mother and writer. (Where DOES the time go? I manage to keep myself from complaining — mostly, anyway — by thinking sympathetically about those of you with children on top of everything else. How do you find time to breathe?)
  • An excellent interview with Rebecca Skloot that’s full of tips (especially for freelancers). I particularly like this part: After she has finished researching, but before she begins writing, Rebecca spends some time ruminating. She calls this process of not writing but thinking intensely about her story (both consciously and sub-consciously) “fomulgating.” It’s another concept that she got from her father, a mixture of promulgating and procrastinating and several other words they’ve long forgotten. Fomulgating, in Skloot-speak, is the “writing that happens when you’re not writing.” It’s the stewing, the fermenting, the knitting together of a story that happens when the writer is patient and in repose.
  • My favorite Susan Marie Groppi waxes brilliant on Christopher’s The Voluntary State. (I’d tell you he’s working on that novel right next to me RIGHT THIS SECOND but it might jinx it.)

And that’s all for today, because I am beaten like an egg. Or something.

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New Year Hangovers

Happy New Year, beloved readers; may yours be filled with whatever you desire.

I only have a few straggling hangovers today because bloglines, she is down, down, down in the burning ring of fire. That’s probably to the good of my getting things done today. And once I finish up this next thing, I should have time to do some reviews of things I’ve been reading lately and fun stuff like that.

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Happy Hangovers

New Year’s EVE hangovers (see below explanation of the inner workings of BondGirl Bizarro World):

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