Monday Hangovers
- Greg van Eekhout went to see Michael Chabon, who read not just a new piece, but two failed starts for it.
- Not Your Mother’s Bookclub (which just won a fabulous award, yay!) has an interview with M.T. Anderson about The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation: Vol. One: The Pox Party), as does Publishers Weekly. I just reread the book and will post about it soon, but, honestly, it’s completely and utterly amazing and you should just go read it. Stat.
- Liz Hand’s F&SF review of the Tiptree biography (which I’m finally getting around to reading) is now online. (Can’t remember where I saw this linked — so sorry!)
- Theresa Duncan on iPod iChing-ing, and a related Guardian piece. I do not believe my iPod is psychic.
- Guidelines for Night Shade’s anthology of pirate fiction, to be editeth by Jeff and Ann VanderMeer, have been released.
- Dave Schwartz reviews The Science of Sleep.
- The completely addictive What Was That Book? Livejournal Community, where lots and lots of people have posted half-remembered plots (or something) about books they’d love to see again, sometimes for mysterious reasons. Interesting as an example of what readers remember, and what they forget. And most of the books are immediately identified! And most of them seem to be young adult and children’s books as well. Verrry interesting. And often funny.