
Tuesday Hangovers

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Saturday Hangovers (Updated)

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Thursday Hangovers

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Wednesday Hangovers

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Sunday Hangovers

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Flying Home Friday Hangovers

Flying Home Friday Hangovers Read More »

Freaking Freezing Hangovers

Freaking Freezing Hangovers Read More »

Under the Weather Monday Hangovers

Sore throat’s back, with a cough. (And I never get coughs!) But I’m rethinking my novel and taking in as much as I can and some nice person gave me cough drops, so everything will be okay. Assuming I get some sleep tonight.

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What Day Is It Anyway? Hangovers

Not that I’m really taking in any of the information I look at online, but the colors are pretty and the scrolling comforts me — and I have a sore throat now (!) and an hour-long break before tonight’s faculty reading by Sharon Darrow, Margaret Bechard, Kathi Appelt and Jane Kurtz, which should be a lot of fun. Then, I plan to go into a coma until at least 10 a.m. tomorrow, when my sore throat is miraculously gone. Yesterday, I went to a great lecture by poet Julie Larios on critical reading for writers, and today an excellent one by Uma Krishnaswami on dialogue and another by a graduating student on the shapeshifter in fiction. I can’t believe it’s only Thursday. Everyone here is so smart.

But, anyway, here’s a few linkies in the meanwhile:

Did I mention I have a sore throat and am exhausted? Bye now.

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