
Thursday Hangovers

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Monday Hangovers

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Monday Hangovers

Monday Hangovers Read More »

Wednesday Hangovers

Wednesday Hangovers Read More »

Friday Hangovers

Friday Hangovers Read More »

Sunday Hangovers

  • Ursula Le Guin attempts to slap some sense into Jeanette Winterson with a fair and fabulous review of her latest, The Stone Gods (which Winterson adamantly feels is Not Science Fiction): "Formerly deep-dyed realists are producing novels so full of the tropes and fixtures and plotlines of science fiction that only the snarling tricephalic dogs who guard the Canon of Literature can tell the difference. I certainly can’t. Why bother? I am bothered, though, by the curious ingratitude of authors who exploit a common fund of imagery while pretending to have nothing to do with the fellow-authors who created it and left it open to all who want to use it. A little return generosity would hardly come amiss." I still consider Winterson one of the first fantasy novelists I fell in love with the work of — so there.
  • Junot Diaz on returning to SF.
  • Plunkett Award dead before it starts.
  • Hannah Wolf Bowen recommends Kathe Koja’s Kissing the Bee, also recc’d by Sharyn November at the previous Wiscon.
  • This video makes me very, very happy:

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Friday Hangovers

Friday Hangovers Read More »

Wednesday Hangovers

Wednesday Hangovers Read More »

Thursday Hangovers

Thursday Hangovers Read More »

Hiatus (&Hangovers)

I’m going to be more or less on hiatus for the next week or so. I might pop in with link posts, but I might not. Fret not, at some point fairly soon, I’ll return. Life is a just a bit overwhelming at the moment.

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