
Tuesday Hangovers

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Monday Hangovers

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Holiday Hangovers

Hey y'all–it's true! I still exist. And am back from the tundra-like, cannibalism-inducing conditions that struck Manhattan on Saturday. I hope everyone I like there is still alive and was not taken down by the zombie horde that was clearly set to emerge based on the tenor of the local news reporting. I kept an eye out for demons and shufflers at the Jersey airport, but mostly it was just desperate people looking to get home, with the occasional cute companion animal to add a little visual interest. By the way, those Jets fans? They like to drink on the train out to Secaucus. (Why am I not surprised that spell check doesn't recognize the word Secaucus?) I'm just saying.

So, a few teensy hangovers, since I've been remiss. Really, I've been remiss all year. But all this will change next year, when I vow to start posting again, especially more recommendations.

Holiday Hangovers Read More »

Saturday Hangovers

*That totally would have been my high school memoir title.

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Monday Hangovers

Monday Hangovers Read More »

Sunday Hangovers

Sunday Hangovers Read More »

Tuesday Hangovers

*Of course, I was working on another revision during that month, but it's been a busy time and slowish going. I have a feel for how the rest of it will work now that those first bones have been broken and reset. And I'm sure it Will All Be Okay. After all, C is making fish tacos tonight.

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Tuesday Hangovers

*Mentioning Twilight was a misstep, because it muddies the point he's trying to make in a way that pointing to The Hunger Games doesn't. Twilight demonstrates the ability of women and girls to fuel a major blockbuster, whereas The Hunger Games and Harry Potter don't break down so cleanly along gender lines and get more to the heart of people's hunger for good storytelling. (Yes, I know there are boys who've read Twilight**, but I don't think we'd argue they are the reason it's so huge.)

**In our long lost gaming group, one of the younger, single guys told us once that he loved Twilight. We all looked at him and ::boggled:: Then he explained that before it came along being a quiet guy who wears a lot of black didn't get him nearly as much attention from the ladies.

Tuesday Hangovers Read More »

I Know, I Know & Hangovers

It's as if I've abandoned the site lately, but I haven't. I've just been exceedingly busy. (This is also why you haven't gotten e-mail from me, if I owe you one.) I'm going to aim for some actual books posts this weekend, even. Promise. And there are so many books I love coming out in the next month or two, and I'll be hosting some of the wonderful writers who wrote them on blog tours too, and doing a giveaway or two. Sound fun? I think so.

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Thursday Hangovers

Thursday Hangovers Read More »

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