Excuses, Excuses


A little slow on the start here this morning, due to our neighborhood’s brave, fireworks-loving souls who would not be silenced by mere rainstorms (inspiring, really)… much to the dogs’ and cat’s dismay and mine. Until the middle of the night.

I’m used to it by now, but will never lose my next-day resentment for the resulting tiredness and crankitude.

p.s. I suppose this was a day off then; I’m comforted by how many of us disgruntled day-after-the-Fourthers there are. Christopher just made the most amazing dinner of whole wheat fancy pasta, chicken, avocado, yellow tomato (from my little plant!), mango and probably something else. Yum, I say. The rest of the evening to errands and undemanding television. Back tomorrow. Probably.

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The Pre-Trip Busies

Why is it always so frenetic trying to get ready to leave town for a few days? Could it be because I put a bunch of stuff off and am now trying to get it done, along with the new stuff? Probably.

I answered not a stitch of email this weekend, so apologia for that. There was biking and brunch and squirting the little dog with half-vinegar, half-water solution to make him behave, and etcetera. I’m afraid there won’t be much to see around here until we are ensconced in Madison, but I do plan to update from there with entries and photos and maybe even some videos.

Oh, also, Wiscon-goers — we have never done the Sunday night dress up thing, but I’m considering bringing something fun this year. I have this Betsey Johnson fuschia and black tea length dress with a foofy tulle skirt that really deserves a night out. Too much?

p.s. This issue of Say…? Best. Ever. Seriously. Finishing up now. Available for purchase at the Small Beer table.

p.p.s. Okay, the foofy dress is coming along, assuming miraculously wonderful Carmen’s dry cleaning can do a minor repair for the roses sewn along the neckline.

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