
A Good Lottery

The Shirley Jackson Awards finalists for this year have just been announced, and it's a great ballot all the way round.

Excuse me while I am particularly delighted for Karen Joy Fowler, up for story and collection, and Richard Butner, up for novelette. You guys already know how much I love Karen's work, and I hope this means Richard's "Holderhaven" gets posted somewhere online soon. It was originally published in a recent issue of Crimewave and it is FABULOUS. In the meantime, if you're not familiar with his work, you can read his excellent story "Ash City Stomp" at Small Beer Press (or download an mp3 of him reading it–this comes up randomly on my ipod from time to time and I never skip it; it's that good)–or order his chapbook.

But, seriously, wonderful ballot (Peter Straub! Kate Bernheimer! Ellen Datlow! Jeff VanderMeer! Mira Grant (aka Seanan McGuire)! A bunch of other stuff I really need to read!). Congratulations to everyone.

Full list nicked from the awards site behind the cut:

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I know, I pretended there would be no posts here and then parade! of! posts! But I'd feel terrible if I didn't point to The Carol Emshwiller Project, coordinated by the wonderful Matt Cheney, who invited many people to celebrate the 90th birthday of one of SF's–and literature's, natch–true doyennes.

Watching Carol navigate Wiscon as a VIP, hearing her do amazing readings there, and being lucky enough to serve with her on the Fountain Award jury have all been great, but I'd be happy with just her books and stories. If you haven't read her, well, do. You're in for a treat. A writer as daring and fabulous now as she's ever been. (Which is to say: A great deal daring and fabulous.)

(Also: The fact Carol Emswhiller turns out to share a birthday with Beverly Cleary is too perfect.)

Anyway, head over and wish her a happy birthday yourselves.

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Dark Futures Elsewhere

The nice people at kindly asked me to write them something about YA dystopian for Dystopia Week. My post is up now–a snippet:

So I suspect the core reason these books connect so well with teens—many of them even with the potential to be that holy grail of YA, appealing to girls and to boys—is that most of them are, at heart, about pulling apart the oppressive assumption and the unexplained authority, and then rebelling against it. Tearing it apart. In a world where choosing what to rebel against seems impossible for every generation (“What do you got?”), stories set in worlds where the decision is easy and justified will never lose their appeal.

I even managed to work in some references to The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Which means I win nerd bingo for today.

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Monday Hangovers

*Reserving the right to declare this pretty much every month, if needed.

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Reading List

Just read a trio of excellent stories, and wanted to recommend y'all do the same:

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Wednesday Hangovers

  • "How Shakespeare Invented Teenagers" at the NYT, being an excerpt from the fascinating-sounding How Shakespeare Changed Everything by Stephen Marche: "The great French scholar Philippe Ariès concluded that for most of the Medieval period “people had no idea of what we call adolescence, and the idea was a long time taking shape.” Yet our whole modern understanding of adolescence is there to be found in this play. Shakespeare essentially created this new category of humanity, and in place of the usual mix of nostalgia and loathing with which we regard adolescents (and adolescence), Shakespeare would have us look at teenagers in a spirit of wonder. He loves his teenagers even as he paints them in all their absurdity and nastiness." Putting on my list for May, when it comes out.
  • The final typescript version of the last few chapters of Gone With the Wind have turned up in Connecticut at the Pequot Library (or, rather, they were there all along). The article includes a don't-miss description of the insane process Margaret Mitchell used when writing the book and the rush to get it ready for print. I'd never read about this before. A snippet: "From August 1935 to January 1936, Mitchell, with the help of John Marsh, her second husband (and best man at her marriage to the first), and some hired typists and stenographers, essentially rewrote and retyped the entire book, cutting, refining, straightening out inconsistencies and fixing historical inaccuracies. Until fairly late in the process the heroine was called Pansy, and when Mitchell changed the name to Scarlett, thank goodness, she paid 50 cents an hour to have every page mentioning Pansy retyped."
  • From the Things We Already Knew Department, it turns out rejection hurts.
  • My crazy last week kept me from posting some links in honor of Houdini's birthday: his last surviving stage assistant recently died at 103 (interesting tidbit: "Young then formed a dance act with Gilbert Kiamie, a New York businessman and the son of a wealthy silk lingerie magnate, and they gained international prominence for a Latin dance they created known as the rumbalero."), and a Christian Science Monitor piece by Eoin O'Carroll about why the world needs magicians ("I should probably disclose here that my mother has worked as a professional stage magician for most of my life. When I was a child, she made me take the Magician's Oath, in which I promised never to reveal the secret of a trick to a non-magician, and never to perform a trick before an audience until I was good enough not to blow the gaff.").
  • The Periodic Table of Fictional Materials.
  • A good piece on Jane Pratt's return.
  • Sarah Pekkanen on the gender divide in children's books; the piece concludes with some wise words from the wonderful David Levithan: “Whenever a book like this comes out of nowhere and becomes so big, people take notice,” wrote David Levithan, the trilogy’s editor, in an e-mail. “But I think the biggest take-away isn’t for there to be more dystopian fiction, or more Katniss-like characters. The take-away is that when you have an author with a singular vision, you should do everything you can to let her follow that vision.”
  • Wolf pup!

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Tuesday Hangovers

  • Sarah Vowell’s new book, Unfamiliar Fishes, is about the history of Hawaii. Be still my heart. A favorite topic of mine and I can’t wait to read her take on it. Kirkus talks to her about the book: “Most people picture this nonexistent, barely populated dream world of palm trees swaying in the breeze or something, instead of a real place with real people and problems, as well as an overwhelming number of military installations—the archipelago’s strategic location being the main reason the U.S. annexed Hawaii in the first place. Most of the time I was researching the book, the state was so broke that public schools were closed on Fridays. I mean, Hawaii is obviously a gorgeous place with nice weather, but it still exists in the objective reality of planet Earth.”
  • Niall Harrison at Strange Horizons undertakes a VIDA-style analysis of the gender breakdown of books published, reviewed and reviewers in genre magazines.
  • Justine Musk on kicking the procrastination and getting started.
  • Sean Beaudoin at Cyn’s on noir: “I loved them all, especially the failures. I loved the effort. I loved the swing from cool detachment to sweaty desperation, deepest black to crisp grey. I’m a sucker for a hard-boiled line, a cleft chin, a pantyhosed gam. I am transported by a failed escape, suitcases full of loot broken open on the runway, dollar bills being sucked into the propeller and chopped into hammy metaphorical bits.”
  • Nora Jemisin on whether the “rule of three” applies to SFF; interesting discussion in the comments too.
  • The ever-wise Sarah Rees Brennan asks what kind of online promotion works best for people. Related: My lovely agent was interviewed about her dog Moxie (complete with adorably deliciously cute pictures!) on Bobbie Pyron’s blog today, as part of the promo for Pyron’s new book, A Dog’s Way Home. I like interviews about dogs online promo! Which is really a way of saying I like valuable content that isn’t a direct shill. I do not like endless discussion of the same exact thing or buy! buy! buy! (One or two buy!s are fine, though; we all gotta pay the bills.) But, like most successful things online, promotion works best when you’re adding something to this rich gift economy–so it’s more than just promotion. If your online promo feels like the awfulest work imaginable when you’re doing it, figure out what you could be doing that would make it fun and valuable instead. This increases the odds others will also find it valuable, and means it’s not wasted time no matter the return. Voila.

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The Fantastics


The alligator at the Orlando Airport Marriott's own private Swamplandia is not quite as impressive as the one on the cover of Karen Russell's book. Still, much time was spent looking for the tell-tale shiny black head drifting along the edge of the waterhole, though mostly what got spotted were various long-legged birds striding around the shoreline and–my personal favorite–birds with necks like periscopes, miniature Nessies, or tiny dragons extending out of the water. Said birds could later be seen sunning themselves to dry their wings. Said alligator never bothered to exit the water. How rude.

I'd post pictures of these things, but, as usual, I forgot-slash-decided-not-to-bring our camera. I never end up using it, though I always think longingly of having photos later. Anyway, yes, we had a grand time at our first International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts (aka ICFA) in ages, and give a big thumbs up to the new hotel. As you can probably tell from the paragraph above, I spent a good deal of the weekend hanging out in the gazebo that overlooked the water. This was an excellent place to set up shop, since lots of people wandered out periodically to do their own alligator/snapping turtle/carp check. Among the wildlife present but not frequently spotted were mosquitoes; my ankles and the sole of my right foot are the proof.

I'm a bit terrified to do the list thing, because there were entirely too many fabulous old friends and fast new ones and people I got to say hi to but not spend nearly as much time talking with as I wanted… in the usual conference way.* It was a pure delight to watch Terry Bisson get feted, and to see/meet/chatter with–for various snippets of time–Richard Butner and Barb Gilly, Ted Chiang, Jeff Ford, John Kessel, Andy and Sydney Duncan, Brett Cox and Jeanne Beckwith, Paul Park, Veronica Schanoes, Peter Straub (aka the best-dressed man in SFF), Brian Evenson, Jim Kelly, Ellen Klages, Liza Groen Trombi, Dora Goss, Karen Lord (met by happy accident in the magic gazebo), Deanna Hoak, and Nalo Hopkinson. Oh, and the extra gift of seeing local pals Jackie Dolamore and Larissa Hardesty again. I already know I've forgotten people. Please to forgive and forget.

That's the main reasons I go to these things. To have fascinating discussions with wonderful types (many of whom are like members of an enormous second family). And try to spot alligators.

Unusually, I also went to a number of programming items (and sat on a panel with people far wiser than me–Nisi Shawl, Graham Sleight, Liza, and Gary Wolfe) including: a panel on the fantastic in Shakespeare; one on taxonomies and genre (good stuff, though it got the fun sort of weird); a fab reading by Jeff, Richard and Connie Willis (!); and the world premiere of Andy's harmonica-playing raccoon as part of a panel on the ridiculous. I was sad to have missed the romantic comedy panel that started the conference, but then managed to bend a gracious Connie Willis's ear on the topic before the banquet.** Can you beat that? I sure can't.

*I felt like I had to do at least a cursory con report, because Jeff Ford cheerfully guilted me about all those long stretches where I just post teensy entries about being busy.

**I was both gratified and relieved to discover we are in total agreement about the true nature of good romantic comedy.

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Travel Day

We are off to the International Conference for the Fantastic in the Arts* (ICFA, aka science fiction spring break), where the sun shines brighter. I'm on a panel tomorrow, I believe, but don't have the schedule handy to nab the title and other participants at the moment. It's at 10:30 tomorrow morning; this happens to be opposite Christopher's reading–with Mike Allen and co-guest of honor Terry Bisson. If I were you, and not me, I'd go to the reading. But I'm sure the panel will be fun too.

Other than that, I will be by the pool or pool bar, as it were.

Airplane reading: Finishing up a book for review and then The Tiger's Wife.

p.s. I participated in the latest Mind Meld, posted today, about ideal SF television shows. I clearly decided to interpret SF as spec fic instead of science fiction, in this context, but only so I could give out some fantasy show love too.

*Where C and I were introduced by Kelly Link, lo ten years or so ago.

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