Good News & Bad
Well, besides the good news that my mom’s taking us to see Loretta Lynn later in the fall (if she does "Fist City," I’ll be in heaven — "But the man I love, when he picks up trash, he puts it in a garbage caaaaan"), my contact lenses finally came in.
In lesser news, we will not be at World Fantasy after all (unless, of course, a wealthy benefactor steps forward; anyone?) due to an unexpected and HUGE auto repair bill. This makes me very sad. (Come for Thanksgiving!)
I also got an email today about a distantly related stranger’s unfortunate accident, which I will quote from here because I’m a really bad person: He will be buried on his birthday, Friday, would have been nineteen. Tragic. Lived in New Jersey.
So, see, it could be much, much worse than $900 for a fuel pump and some brake stuff.