
Friday Hangovers

Mea culpa for the disappearing act this week. Busy with socialization and not getting enough sleep; the weekend’s goal is to normalize, catch up on email, see some probably bad movies, read a lot, and get writing the book back into the groove. In the meantime, some links:

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I Heart Dress-Up

Comiccon014One of the best things online this week has been all the wonderful photos from Comic Con of People In Costume. (PICs, if you must have an acronym.) Frankly, I find all the sort of Ren Faire-reject pirates* a little sad, but then there’s shots like this one from Wired. There’s more where that came from, but Theo Black’s two sets are my faves so far.

*This is a compliment to the Ren Faire, not an insult. Really.

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Drinking With Miss Universe

Mr. Cavin shares the rules for the Miss Universe Drinking Game:

In honor of tomorrow’s popular intergalactic aesthetic talent event, the Miss Universe Pageant, here are the rules of the eponymous drinking game, a time-tested ritual. First, it is necessary for each player to choose a contestant from the outset (it is routine to either pick a woman representing a favored country or to just shout out "her!" during the national dress parade, the first televised event). This Miss will be your chess piece as the game advances, her performance dictates your scoring. It is important to have a contestant in play; you might need to pick another one if your first choice fails to make it into subsequent rounds. I would very much like to choose Miss Japan, whose costume is the traditional "Samurai Stripper Robot." Sunshine always takes Miss Venezuela, who will be dressed as "Spiegel Matador."

The actual rules follow.

We will be playing along here in Kentucky (home of the recently Project Runwayed Miss USA, who has not a chance in hell), and with champagne to boot.

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"When the last dime is gone, I’ll sit on the curb outside with a pencil and a ten-cent notebook, and start the whole thing over again."

— Preston Sturges

(p.s. I’ve been told to avoid news of today’s Tour stage, so shhhhhh!!!)

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Thursday Hangovers

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