Friday Hangovers
Mea culpa for the disappearing act this week. Busy with socialization and not getting enough sleep; the weekend’s goal is to normalize, catch up on email, see some probably bad movies, read a lot, and get writing the book back into the groove. In the meantime, some links:
- Anthony Bourdain on being trapped in Beirut to watch it burn: "It takes three days of planning and surveillance to set up a kidnapping" says Mr. Wolfe, lowering his voice suddenly when a lone gentleman in casual clothes enters our area of the balcony and sits at a nearby table. "Amateur," says Mr. Wolfe. "Look at how he’s got his face pointed straight out at sea, his ear cocked in our direction. Clumsy. Obvious."
- The second Coode Street podcast is online, featuring Tim Pratt reading his story "The Third-Quarter King."
- Scalzi interviews Ellen Kushner.
- Meanwhile, Little Willow grills Scott and Justine.
- Austin Kleon puts up a lovely comic in response to a McSweeney’s writing prompt. (Hot air balloon!)
- Jenny Davidson on a fascinating-sounding book about the history of eugenics.
- The 1903 Alice in Wonderland is on YouTube. Isn’t everything? (Via.)