(Because I really am still on a deadline!)
1. Jeff VanderMeer and Evil Monkey have a sensible talk about Dirty Old Harlangate. (Oh, and also Alan’s response is to cheer for.)
For those of you not in SF — and some in — the reason a lot of us are reacting this way is because there very much is a League of Dirty Old Gentlemen in SF that seem to get a pass for this sort of behavior, and have for years, and we’re sick of it. And, yes, this one incident is inexcusable and disgusting in and of itself, too.
2. Project Runway fans will want to check out Project Rungay for the most hilarious show commentary ever.
Updated: The ever-brilliant editrix Susan Marie Groppi posted something in the comments I thought worth bumping up here so none of y’all miss it; it’s what I was trying to say before, but expressed with far greater clarity:
Alan’s right, and brilliantly so, that this isn’t Just About Harlan. What it feels like, honestly, is that this incident has become the center around which all of the vague and half-formed anger that we’ve all been carrying for years is finally coalescing. Everyone who has any contact at all with this community has some body of stories about the completely inappropriate ways in which older male writers feel entitled to behave towards women; for whatever reason, we needed that behavior to occur in a public forum (and against someone as well-loved and respected as Connie Willis) for all that simmering to come to a boil.
And one more: Lots of discussion in E. Bear’s comments (including by eyewitnesses), and too many other great posts for me to keep up with them at the moment. Despite this all being about something disgraceful in SF, I couldn’t be more proud of all the people who are providing thoughtful, no bullshit responses — that’s where we’re headed, tribe. That’s the field I want to exist. Not to get all warm and fuzzy.
Oh yeah. Deadline.
REUpdated: Ellison "apologizes," while majorly selling the "I Caught It From Tom Cruise"* batshit crazy insane vibe. Still, as many have pointed out, this is about larger issues anyway. (Thanks to Ed for the heads up.) Over at Patrick Nielsen Hayden’s someone has excerpted, for those who don’t feel like wading. (Thanks, Niall!)
And yeah, after reading this thoroughly, especially the follow-ups, the word apology definitely requires air quotes.
*Cruise, it should be noted, is a jumper and hugger, maybe sometimes a squealer, always a hyena laugher, but not a groper.