

An article in the NYT about why messiness and clutter are golden, in which my neatness strategy is revealed as a sham:

It’s also nice to remember, as Mr. Freedman pointed out, that almost anything looks pretty neat if it’s shuffled into a pile.

Ouch. There’s a glossary o terms. In addition to the vertical mess, I may also be guilty of the cyclical mess, the minimess, the heaped mess, and the satellite mess. In other words: all of them. And, yet, our place is always fairly inhabitably tidy-ish. Go figure. Maybe if it were Even Messier, we would be Even More Productive.

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Things That Drive Me Batty in Science Fiction, No. 1 (in an occasional series)

Futuristic showers.

I’ve read several science fiction novels lately and actually this sin was only committed 1.5 times in the course of three books. Still, I’ve encountered it enough now that it makes me want to hurl a book across the room, then jump and down while yelling at it.

Here’s the thing: Showers actually work pretty well. Water sprays out onto body, body gets clean (add soap in there somewhere). Do we really believe that there is a far better way that technology will find? I don’t. If showering changes, my guess is it will be for the worse, because of lack of energy or fresh water. And that’s okay, that would be interesting, but any time a character in a science fiction novel is luxuriating in a fancy shower with multiple sprays or a weird door or whatever? It’s just gratuitous window-dressing. And it makes me want to kill.

That is all.

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Underrated 06

Jeff Bryant has masterminded the Underrated Writers 2006, the second annual collection of writers some litbloggers have recommended as deserving more love. I sent mine in under the wire, or no doubt I’d have gushed even more. My picks this year were: Joyce Ballou Gregorian (dead), Jeff VanderMeer (alive), Caitlin Kiernan (alive), and Elizabeth Hand (alive). Three out of four living ain’t bad.

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Fantastical Beginnings

Ursula Le Guin has a truly phenomenal essay about fantasy and children’s literature in the New Statesman. I highly encourage you to read the entire piece. The conclusion:

The Harry Potter phenomenon, a fantasy aimed at sub-teenagers becoming a great best-seller among adults, confirmed that fantasy builds a two-way bridge across the generation gaps. Adults trying to explain their enthusiasm told me: "I haven’t read anything like that since I was ten!" And I think this was simply true. Discouraged by critical prejudice, rigid segregation of books by age and genre, and unconscious maturismo, many people literally hadn’t read any imaginative literature since childhood. Rapid, immense success made this book respectable, indeed obligatory, reading. So they read it, and rediscovered the pleasure of reading fantasy – which may be inferior only to the pleasure of rereading it.

(Via Maud.)

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