
Flying Home Friday Hangovers

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The Doctor Is In

Most of you who know me well know that I like to diagnose illnesses in myself (and others). Usually, I’m right, although occasionally I’m wrong.

I’d been thinking what I have is a garden variety corona- or rhinovirus — and it may well be — but what it’s really reminding me of? Is mycoplasma, aka walking pneumonia, which I had a few years ago (Wiscon!), and was very similar. I felt crappy and tired, but not at a high enough level to stop all activities and thought. And, more importantly, I had a cough — I never have a cough, in fact, that’s the only other time I can remember having a cough in recent history. Oh, and this is the perfect setting for acquiring such a beast; it’s way common in younger children in close school settings.

So, I’ve made an appointment on Friday for when I get home and we’ll see if I’m right. (If I am, that would be nice, because it won’t get much worse than this before then and a course of antibiotics will kick it.) Luckily, the heavy lifting here is done, now on to packing, and the remaining lectures and paperwork.

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Freaking Freezing Hangovers

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Under the Weather Monday Hangovers

Sore throat’s back, with a cough. (And I never get coughs!) But I’m rethinking my novel and taking in as much as I can and some nice person gave me cough drops, so everything will be okay. Assuming I get some sleep tonight.

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A Big Shout Out

to Ellen Klages (emcee extraordinaire) on winning the 2007 Scott O’Dell Prize for Historical Fiction for children and young adults for her debut novel The Green Glass Sea!

Unrelatedly but not wholly, I was buying an issue of F&SF from the early ’70s in one of Montpelier’s fine used bookshops yesterday because it featured James Tiptree, Jr., on the cover, and the owner says to me, "That was the last thing I expected you to buy." At which point, I schooled him.

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What Day Is It Anyway? Hangovers

Not that I’m really taking in any of the information I look at online, but the colors are pretty and the scrolling comforts me — and I have a sore throat now (!) and an hour-long break before tonight’s faculty reading by Sharon Darrow, Margaret Bechard, Kathi Appelt and Jane Kurtz, which should be a lot of fun. Then, I plan to go into a coma until at least 10 a.m. tomorrow, when my sore throat is miraculously gone. Yesterday, I went to a great lecture by poet Julie Larios on critical reading for writers, and today an excellent one by Uma Krishnaswami on dialogue and another by a graduating student on the shapeshifter in fiction. I can’t believe it’s only Thursday. Everyone here is so smart.

But, anyway, here’s a few linkies in the meanwhile:

Did I mention I have a sore throat and am exhausted? Bye now.

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