Starred Review for Double Down!

Double Down Final CoverHey, so last week I got some great news I can now share. Kirkus gave Double Down a starred review. A snippet:

“… That’s a lot of balls to juggle, but Bond never drops a single one. She fills this adventure with the Golden Age sci-fi weirdness that permeated the comic books of the 1930s and ’40s. The three mysteries dovetail together nicely in the end, with a few bread crumbs leading toward the next installment. Best of all, the novel ends as Lois crosses a line she will never be able to turn back from, a line that will mean big changes moving forward. In a sea of series that keep the characters status quo and rehash the same mysteries with different names and doodads, this is a godsend. A must read for comics fans and mystery enthusiasts alike.”


Also whew! I was nervous, obviously, because this is my first sequel, and my goal was to fill it with all the things people liked about the first book and then ADD MORE NEW THINGS people would also like. It’s considerably longer than Fallout. And I’m very proud of it, but you never know if others will agree or say, “Whoa, what was she thinking?! This is a super-long nightmare!”*

Preordering makes kittens happy!

And don’t forget that Fallout’s still on sale for $1.99 wherever fine ebooks are sold. The perfect time to snag it and catch up in advance of the sequel.

*Not that my fabulous editor Beth would let me get away with that, but the writer’s brain is not what we call rational at all times (and especially not about trade reviews).

2 thoughts on “Starred Review for Double Down!”

  1. CONGRATULATIONS, GWENDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The first Lois was AMAZING, and already stars on the second one! SO pleased for you!!!!!

  2. Congratulations!! This is a fantastic sequel in what I hope is a multi book series. Bravo!

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