Welcome to this stop of the YA Scavenger Hunt extravaganza!
(I'm Gwenda Bond *wave* and my stop on the hunt is being hosted by Marley Gibson–so go there to see the title of my 2013 book and two prologue-y teasers from it. Eek! Note: Bonus content came down at the end of the hunt, but I added a little info at the end of this post.)
If you're new to the hunt, this tri-annual event was first organized by author Colleen Houck as a way to give readers a chance to gain access to exclusive bonus material from their favorite authors…and a chance to win some awesome prizes! At this hunt, you not only get access to exclusive content from each author, you also get a clue for the hunt. Add up the clues, and you can enter for our prize–one lucky winner will receive one signed book from each author on the hunt in my team! But play fast: this contest (and all the exclusive bonus material) will only be online for 72 hours!
Go to the YA Scavenger Hunt page to find out all about the hunt. There are TWO contests going on simultaneously, and you can enter one or both! (Go for both! These are pretty amazing prize packages we're talking about here.) I'm a part of the BLUE TEAM–but there is also a red team contest with a chance to win a whole different set of signed books.
If you'd like to find out more about the hunt, see links to all the authors participating, and see the full list of prizes up for grabs, go to the YA Scavenger Hunt homepage. (And an extra round of *applause* for organizers extraordinaire Colleen Houck and Beth Revis.)
Directions: Somewhere below, you'll notice that I've listed my favorite number. Collect the favorite numbers of all the authors on the blue team, and then add them up (don't worry, you can use a calculator!).

Born and raised in Sydney, Australia, Jessica is married to former Olympic sprinter and sports personality, Matthew Shirvington. Married for eleven years with two beautiful daughters, Jessica believes her early age romance and its longevity has definitely contributed to how she tackles relationships in her YA novels.
At age nineteen, Jessica opened and managed her first restaurant in Sydney, and in 2003, while she and Matt were living in London, founded a fine food import and distribution company, Stella Imports.
Moving back to Australia and searching for a creative outlet after the birth of her second child, Jessica started on her path to writing. The result was her debut novel, EMBRACE, which marked the start of Violet Eden’s story. Book 2, ENTICE, will be out in the US September 4, 2012.

The hotly anticipated follow-up to Embrace ramps up the captivating combination of angel mythology, forbidden romance and intense action. Seventeen-year-old Violet Eden’s whole life changed when she discovered she is Grigori – part angel, part human. Her destiny is to protect humans from the vengeance of exiled angels. Knowing who to trust is key, but when Grigori reinforcements arrive, it becomes clear everyone is hiding something. Even her partner, Lincoln.
Now Violet has to learn to live with her feelings for him while they work together to stay alive and stop the exiles from discovering the key to destroy all Grigori. It isn’t easy. Especially when the electricity between her and exile Phoenix ignites, and she discovers his hold over her has become more dangerous than ever. The race halfway across the world to find the one artifact that could tilt the balance of power between Angels and Exiles brings them to the cradle of civilization, where Violet's power will be pushed to the extreme. And the ultimate betrayal exposed.
(The hunt has ended and so this is now gone! But you can read it when the book comes out. 🙂
Amazing, right?
Don't forget to enter the contest for a chance to win a ton of signed books by me, Jessica Shirvington, and more! To enter, you need to know my favorite number: If it was a date, it'd be Friday the 13th. Add up all the favorite numbers of the authors on the blue team and you'll have all the secret code to enter for the grand prize!
YAYYY! Thanks for the giveaway!
I liked the Amazon page: I’m #7
And I follow via Twitter: @Gisselle_Alv
Yay, BLACKWOOD! I follow you on the Twitter and I’m your friend on FB. 🙂
Sounds so good!! Followed via Twitter @jbsmunky
Thanks for the giveaway!
I followed on Twitter: @NLibrisVeritas
Cool giveaway! I’ve always been fascinated by the disappearance of the Roanoke colony. I followed you on Twitter @sweetsoccer0107, friended you on Facebook as Victoria Lee and liked on Amazon. I was #8 to like.
Thanks for the giveaway :D! I liked on Amazon but I’m not sure if I’m #9 or #10 :S. My twitter is @wow_books
Thanks for the chance to win a giveaway. Amazon like #10, @carey_velazquez on twitter and Carey Harrison Velazquez on fb. Email is cvelazquez0507 at yahoo dot com.
I follow you on Twitter (@BeckyLouiseM), added on Facebook (Becky Louise Williams), Followed on Pinpress, Liked on Amazon think I was #11 🙂 x
I follow you Twitter (@tiffmarie81), added you on Facebook, Liked on Amazon, Follow your Pinterest board as well.
I am so excited for this contest!
Just letting u know I’ve subscribed to you on Facebook!
I love the cover for Blackwood!
Awesome giveaway! I sent you a friend request on facebook!:)
Thanks so much for the chance
Follow on Twitter – @natcleary
Friend on Facebook – Natalie Cleary
Go like the Amazon page for Blackwood – Natalie Cleary
Go like pinterest board for Blackwood – Liked as Natalie Cleary
thanks for the giveaway!!
follow on twitter @ewa_xoxo
friend on facebook ewa oldakowska
I friended you on facebook: Kat Zufelt
I followed you on twitter: @ORIGINALartKat
I liked your amazon page 😀
Thank you for the giveaway! My e-mail is reflectionsbylili@gmail.com
I followed you on twitter @LiliReflects and friended you on facebook under the name Lili Alexandra.
This is totally random, but I LOVE the colors of your shirt/dress in your twitter profile picture. It’s as if you took all of my favorite colors and rolled them up into a single article of clothing. lol
I liked your Amazon page 🙂
I followed you on twitter @xlittlexangelx
FB: Cynthia Bolasina
and liked both pages 😀
I followed your Twitter and befriended you on Facebook;
Twitter; @louisse_ang
Facebook; Louisse Ang
Like the amazon page and follow on twitter – jay120494. Jay.uppal@gmail.com
Follow you Twitter,Facebook, liked Amazon page and pinterest. Thank you fo the giveaway 🙂
Hi! Thank you so much for participating in the scavenger hunt and giving away an extra book. I’m following you on Twitter (@getyourdorkon).
Thank you for being a part of the Hunt and for the extra giveaway!
Twitter: @dg_molly
FB: Molly Nudo Frenzel
Amazon: Molly Frenzel
Pinterest: Molly Frenzel
I followed you on Twitter (@themeaningofV) and liked your book on Amazon (#18). 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway! I just followed you on Twitter as @victoriastrauss, and liked BLACKWOOD’s Amazon page.
I did the Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest entries. Thanks for the giveaway!
Sweet! Twitter: @wordsrollon
pintrest: CM Holland
Thanks! : )
Thanks for the giveaway!
Twitter: @shialoc
FB: shialo Chaudhari
Amazon: shialo Chaudhari
Pinterest: shialo
followed you on twitter @BriannaVitlo
Thanks for the bonus giveaway!
– Follow on Twitter
– Friend Requested on Facebook
– Liked on Amazon
Thank you :3
Twitter- @kyo0chan
FB – Tal Rejwan
Liked on Amazon
Pinterest: Tal Rejwan
Thanks for participating in the hunt and for hosting this additional giveaway!
+1 for Twitter: Christina2227
+1 for Facebook: Christina Reading
+1 for Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/christina2227/
+1 for Amazon like: Christina
+4 total entries
Thanks again!
The Book Hookup: Eat. Breathe. Read!
Thanks for participating with the hunt. It is so much fun. I just friended you on Facebook: Julie Vaught
Thanks for the giveaway and for participating in the YA Scavenger Hunt!! I can’t wait to read BLACKWOOD!!
Twitter: @adreamindream
Facebook: Stephanie Ward
Liked Blackwood on Amazon: Stephanie Ward
Pinterest: Stephanie Ward (dreamwithndream)
Weee!!! Thanks!! 😀
I friended on facebook: Shaina Jachim
Twitter friend: @ShainaJachim
And I am number 27 like on amazon! 😀
Thanks again you rock my socks! 😀
yay for the giveaway! I followed on Twitter
Twitter Icecream1891
FB Lindsay Ann
Thank you! edysicecreamlover18@gmailDOTcom
Thanks for this giveaway!
I liked you on twitter, subscribed on facebook, and liked the book on Amazon!
This is so much fun! I follow you on twitter:@Desi_Gay
Facebook: Desiree Thompson
Amazon: Desiree
Pintrest; Desiree
Facebook: ashley snyder
twitter: ryansnyder93
amazon: like number 30 (do not knownam.should be ryansnyder. orsnyderyan.)
pinterest: ashley snyder. 🙂
thank you for giveaway.
Thanks for the contest!!!
I liked your Amazon page, I’m #31, and I also friended you on Facebook 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway!
Just give me that t-shirt, Gwenda Bond!
I became friends with you on Facebook!
Following on twitter and facebook. Feeling very competitive now. Hahah.
I did them all!
Twitter- @SonnieHogan
Fb- Sonnie Hogan
And I liked both Pintrests and Amazon pages 🙂
Thanks for the chance at an extra give-a-way! Blackwood looks really good!
Twitter: oo_carmel_oo
Facebook: Carmel Lemrac
(Cheater! There will be a few of these up at the launch party. 🙂
(It’s my favorite shirt because of the colors. 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway! Here are my entry infos:
Followed on twitter (@coffeebooksme)
Like blackwood on pinterest (jenna matalam)
Added you on facebook (jenna christy matalam)
Like on amazon (jenna_jcm@yahoo.com)
Total of 4
Hi! I liked your amazon page and your pinterest board
Liked the amazon page 🙂
I liked blackwood on amazon, added you on facebook (Natasha Ward). THanks for the givwaway 🙂
Thanks for the fabulous giveaway!
Liked on Amazon
Liked on Pinterest: Vivien
deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com
i did twitter(@kjeschon), facebook and pintrest! thanks for the giveaway :D!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Followed on twitter @xmax4me
Added you on Facebook Michelle Cornejo
i followed you twitter!!!! omg i cant wait!!!
followed on twitter @5_girls and facebook @ heather heslip alexander. thanks for the contest.
Followed on Twitter (@CristinaCheese)
Added on Facebook (Mythical Word)
Liked on Amazon (Mythical Word)
Thank you for the chance to win!!
Following you on Twitter: @courtneyheitman
Thanks for the giveaway. 🙂 Followed on twitter: @1DBandGeek
I love the cover of Blackwood! =D
My entries:
Follow me on Twitter (@gwenda): @artsymusings
Go like the Amazon page for Blackwood: Sana
Go like my pinterest board for Blackwood: Sana
Thank you for the giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Followed on twitter (@MeTheKim)
I liked you on Amozon and on twitter. Thank you so so so so so so so so much! heheh 🙂 🙂
I followed via twitter: @ashleyminix2
Twitter – CassayC
FB – Cassandra Crouser
Thanks for the giveaway
Hi! I followed you on twitter, and I liked your Blackwood page on Amazon! Thanks for being in the hunt!
Oh! my twitter name is @keerinsrubbish
Great giveaway! Thanx for being in the Hunt!
+1 Twitter follow – @Nomispp
+1 Facebook like – Nomes Hopkins
Hi! Thanks for the giveaway and for participating in the YA Scavenger Hunt!
Follow on Twitter: @RachelllRaeee
Friend on Facebook: Rachel Patrick
Go like Amazon page: Like 41!
Go like Pinterest board: Rachel Patrick
Sweet stop!! Thanks!! Added you on Fb,twitter and liked on amazon!!
Thanks;) Bella
Thanks so much!
Twitter: @thaliasbooks
Facebook: Miranda J*** L**
Amazon: Dr. R***** L**
Pinterest: Thalia Anderson
Thank you so much for this fantastic opportunity!
I have three entries.
Twitter: @loen1999196600
Facebook: Grace Lo
Pintrest: Lust For Stories
First, I wanted to say thank you so much for being a part of YASH this year. It’s been so much fun, as it always is. I love being introduced to author’s that I hadn’t noticed before and being reminded of older one’s that I loved before. Thank you, so much for this side giveaway!
Followed By Twitter: endsxtonight
Liked on Facebook: Susan Haugland
Added on Pintrest: soulunsung
Liked on Amazon: susanhaugland
Love to win! Thanks for the wonderful Giveaway! :))
maryanngacayan at yahoo dot com
Thank you for the awesome giveaway 🙂
Followed on Twitter (@HwaSunKang), friend-ed on FB (Hwa Sun Kang), and liked on Amazon.
Thank you very much:)
I’m a twitter follower @christinafiorio
Facebook friend Christina Rita Condomaros
Pinterest follow Christina Condomaros http://pinterest.com/chfiorelli/
ccfioriole at gmail dot com
Like 47.
Twitter @Raenne
Hi!! I like your book on Amazon and sent you a friend request on facebook. Also I started following you on twitter! =)
Twitter @casalazar
facebook Candice Salazar
Thank you for this awesome giveaway!!!
I followed you on twitter – @smiling_ina
Follow me on Twitter (@gwenda) she_is_reading
Friend me on Facebook Lenna Tisue Waters
Go like the Amazon page for Blackwood – done
Go like/follow my pinterest board for Blackwood – done Lenna Waters
Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway!
Thank you for this great giveaway!! 🙂
Twitter: mecharodriguezo
Facebook: M. Mercedes Rodriguez O.
And I liked you on Amazon, I’m #50
Followed on twitter @danathesquare
Friend on FB Dana Cuadrado
liked on amazon
Thanks for the giveaway!
Friended on Facebook my name will be “Steph Trujillo”
liked the Amazon page for Blackwood “Steph”
like/followed on pinterest board for Blackwood “Steph”
This scavenger hunt looks like fun and the prizes are very nice. I want to join to.
Great giveway!
Twitter – @SecretlyMeToo
FB – Crystal Anderson
Liked Amazon page
Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂
I liked the Amazon page, #54 (oh, and by the way, it’s under my mother’s name, Lisa)
Thanks for the giveaway !
I followed you on Twitter (@Sabine56), friended you on Facebook (Sabine Goutsmedt) and liked the Amazon page (Sabine).
I added you as a friend on Facebook (Katherina Barney)
I’m following you on Twitter (@bibliophileKate)
And I ‘liked’ your Blackwood book on Amazon (and shared it on my Facebook page)
Thank you for this awesome giveaway!! 🙂
Followed you on twitter! (@aisazia)
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
+1: Twitter follower – @VioletteStar
+1: FB Friend – Violette S.
+1: Amazon like
+1: Pinterest follow – VioletteStar
Thanks for the giveaway!!
xo Stephanie
+1 Follow me on Twitter: @LittleRedReads
+1 Friend me on Facebook: Stephanie Kaye
+1 Amazon like
+1 Pinterest follow: LittleRedReads
Hey thanks for the giveaway!
I followed you on twitter (@Vanessa16228)
and I liked your Amazon page
I sent a friend request on fB Pam Mandigo
twitter follower @kydirtgirl68
pinterest Pam Mandigo
liked on Amazon.
thanks for a great stop.
Hi! Thanks for the awesome giveaway. I love the YA Scavenger Hunts :0)
I follow you on Twitter: @thebooklife
Follow on Pinterest: Sarah Miller
Liked on Amazon: #61
Can’t wait for Blackwood :0)
Hi! Thanks for the giveaway!
followed on twitter: @saavedra012
liked amazon page: #62
Thanks for being part of the YASH! 🙂
Thank you so much for the giveaway! 😀
+1 Follow me on Twitter: @Loveliciouzz
+1 Friend me on Facebook: Frida Petersson
+1 Amazon like
+1 Pinterest follow: Loveliciouz
I love the cover on you story and I can’t wait to read it when I can. See this is why I love the YA hunts we all get to see new books in our eyes and become in love with them 😀
Thanks for the great giveaway! =)
I followed you on Twitter (@khung61), added you on Facebook, and liked the Blackwood Amazon page (#63).
THank you so much for this opportunity!
+1 Facebook : Micaela Swentik
+1 Amazon Like
+1 Pinterest Follow: Micaela Swentik
I followed you on twitter and added you as a friend on Facebook 🙂
facebook and twitter! 🙂
Follow me on Twitter @redhedbookworm
Friend me on Facebook Heather Baker Schrock
Go like the Amazon page for Blackwood liked!
Go like/follow my pinterest board for Blackwood Redheaded Bookworm
Amazing excerpt! 🙂 No doubt, I’ll be looking out for that book as well.
I followed on Twitter: @Cryscringle
I Friended on FB: Crystal Dawn Craig
I liked on Amazon as well.
Thanks for sharing! 😀
I followed you on twitter, friended you on facebook, liked Blackwood on Amazon and followed Blackwood on Pintrest. Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
I am following you on twitter, I have sent you a friend request on facebook and I have liked the page on amazon. My name is Nicole Marten and my twitter name is @shnickybug, thank you for this opportunity.
Got all 4 done! Look forward to your posts and tweets!
Thank you for the splendind giveaway!
I followed in Twitter: @Readingwithabc
I liked Amazon page
I sent friend request in Facebook: Elizabeth Rodriguez
Thanks so much for the chance!!
Twitter follower @niclovestoread
Liked Amazon page for Blackwood
Sent friend request Nicole Arellano
Thank you sooo much for this amazing giveaway!!
+1 Facebook
Thanks for the Giveaway! I haven’t read Blackwood, but I look forward to reading it when I can get my hands on the book.
Followed on Twitter: @briannac98
Thanks for hosting this giveaway 🙂
Follow on Twitter – @tessireysia
Friend on Facebook – Lillie Moss
Thanks for the contest!
+1 Followed on twitter: @negra_gatita
+1 Added as friend on Facebook: Caila F.
+1 Liked on Amazon
+1 Followed on Pinterest: Caila F.
Thank you for the giveaway! 🙂
+1 Twitter: @StephLikesBooks
+1 Facebook: Stephlikesbooks Reviews
+1 Pinterest
Thanks for giving us this wonderful opportunity for this giveaway!
Twitter: @kassiefuentes
Facebook: Kassandra Fuentes
Amazon Like: Kassandra
This is a neat scavenger hunt! I added you as a friend on facebook & following on twitter. 🙂
Thank you!
Thanks for being part of the YASH and for your extra giveaway!!!
I follow you on twitter: @bamayankee
friend on facebook: alicia marie ezell
like on amazon
follow on pinterest: bamayankee
I follow you on twitter 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I completed the following:
follow on Twitter (@devadasi7)
friend on FB (Tammy Hunt Cordeiro)
liked Amazon page
Follow on Twitter – @lilbitahoney
Friend on Facebook – Holly Forbes
Liked the Amazon page
Thanks for the chance!
twitter follower @donnas1
FB – Donna S
Liked on Amazon
Thanks for participating in the scavenger!!
1 – Facebook
1 – Pinterest
1 – Twitter
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
+1 Facebook
+1 Amazon Like
So love this giveaway. I
+ followed you on Twitter (@leannaBF)
+ friended you on Facebook (Leanna Choong)
+ liked the Amazon page
+ am following your Pinterest board
Thank you 🙂
Thanks for being one of the Authors of the YA Scavenger hunt!!!!!
thanks for the giveaway!
followed on twitter and facebook!
Hello Dear,
+1 FB
+1 Twitter
I follow on twitter Romance4Life
Follow on FB Donya Pedigo
liked on Amazon Chris Pedigo
Follow on Pin
Thanks for the great giveaway!
+1 Twitter follower: @austine_decker
+1 Liked on Amazon
+1 Pinterest follower: Austine (theredreader)
Thanks for the giveaway !
+1 followed on Twitter (@Midorichan56)
+1 liked your book on Amazon (Céline)
+1 friended you on Facebook (Céline Ore-Sama Junior)
Thanks for the giveaway!! Your books sounds really interesting!!! I always wonder what happened to The Lost Colony???
facebook: Lena Marsteller
amazon like #81
pinterest; Lena Marsteller
Thanks so much for this awesome giveaway!
+1 FB
+ Amazon Like
+ 1 Twitter (@aidanadia29)
I’m super excited to read your book! Thanks for the opportunity.
Followed on Twitter (@tammy_sparks)
Friended on Facebook (Tammy Sparks)
Liked on Amazon
Thanks again:)
Yay! Thanks so much for this chance!!!
Facebook: Lis Carcamo
Twitter: @liskrkmo
Liked amazon page, I was 83
Thanks for the giveaway and been ans YA Sacevender Hunt’s Autor!!
Twitter @LissGC
Facebook: Camii Aracellis
I would really like to win the super-limited edition Blackwood baseball T-shirt!!!
Love & Hoges
i followed you on twitter! @ReaditWrite
Thanks for the giveaway!! Can’t wait to read your book 🙂
Twitter: @sammy7987
FB: Samantha Bailey Ramos
Followed you on twitter ( rpatzz)
facebook: cristina escalante
thanyou for the giveaway!
alpha.lycan731 @gmail.com
Great giveaway! I would really like to win! I followed you on twitter and followed your pinterest board!
Thank you for the giveaway! 🙂
Followed on Twitter
Friend Requested on FB
Liked on Amazon
Follow on twitter: @marthapao
FB: Martha Paola Mendoza
Pinterest: Marthapao
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I have:
1-added you as a friend on facbook (Zoe Leonarczyk)
1-Followed you on pinterest (Zoe Leonarczyk)
Liked the Amazon page for Blackwood +1
Like/follow the pinterest board for Blackwood +1
Thanks 🙂
Liked on Facebook, Pinterest & Amazon.. Thxs.
I am following you on Pinterest. thanks for the chance!
Thanks so much for the giveaway! I’m following as @A_Canadian_Girl on Twitter 🙂
I friended you on Facebook as Tia Sills Dalley
Thanks for the great giveaway!!
+1 Facebook: Sarah Kalaitzidis
+1 Amazon: #87 Sarah Kalaitzidis
+1 Pininterest follow: Sarah Kalaitzidis
+1 Twitter: @red_tigergirl2
+1 Amazon Like 🙂
Following you on twitter and added you as a friend on fb! Thanks so much for participating in the hunt!!:)
Who doesn’t love swag?!? =) Thanks for doing the scavenger hunt. I love finding new books to read.
Follow you on twitter (cathymo13)
Friended you on Facebook
Liked your Amazon page
Curious about Blackwood! It sounds really intriguing! Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂 *crosses my fingers for luck*
I followed you on Pintrest and sent you a friend request on Facebook (Laura Lea)
Thank you for being a part of the contest! I friended you on Facebook! I’m a high school English teacher and always looking for great YA novels to recommend to my students!
Thank you very much for the giveaway opportunity!
+1 Twitter: @VanillaOrchids
+1 Facebook: Pam Rosensteel
+1 Amazon Like: Pam Rosensteel
+1 Pinterest: Pam Rosensteel
Twitter: @thetatteredpage
Facebook: Blake Haysel
Thanks for the giveaway!! Hope i win :)) i followed on twitter (nataliewis)
Like on Amazon & followed on Pintrist! (uhhhm, not sure what info I’m supposed to give you, but my name is Wei Mon. So… yeah?)
Follow me on Twitter (@gwenda): @Kourtney_22
Friend me on Facebook: Kourtney Tyler
Go like the Amazon page for Blackwood: #92 (under Julie Tyler)
Go like/follow my pinterest board for Blackwood: Kourtney Tyler
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Thanks for participating in the Hunt and offering to win a copy of your book! Here are my entries:
Followed on twitter @monica254
Liked facebook page: Monica Gutierrez
Friend requested on facebook: Monica Gutierrez
Liked on Amazon
Thanks for the great giveaway!
+1 Twitter: @KaitlinS16
+1 Amazon like
twitter: @miliminni
fb: Anubha Agrawal
Amazon: 95th like
Pintrest: Anubha
thank you for the giveaway… 🙂
Thanks so much for the extra giveaway! I can’t wait to read your book!
I followed you on Twitter (cassiebt93), friended you on Facebook (Cassandra Tennison), liked the Amazon page, and followed the Pinterest board! 🙂
Thanks for having a bonus giveaway! I followed you on Twitter (@paper_birds).
Followed you on twitter@Up010Sam
Friended on FB
I added you as a friend on FB and followed your board on Pinterest.
I love the YASH, I always find new authors & new books. :]
Hi. Thanks for the giveaway.
I follow you on twitter, asked you to be friends on facebook and like the amazon page.
I did everything except the PIN interest…I don’t know what to do there.
Friended on Facebook: Morgan McKenna
Liked on Amazon
Thanks for participating in YASH!! (=
Friended on FB: Jasmine Rose
Thanks for the giveaway!
+1 Twitter: LilxSasuke
+1 Friend on Facebook (Lisa V)
+1 Like on Amazon
+1 Follow on Pinterest: Lisa V
Following on twitter!!! @sarahsgreen
Friended on Facebook and I’m following you on Twitter: @MandaPanda859. Guess what: I live about an hour north of you, in Grant County. How awesome is that.?! I get excited about this stuff.
*waves* Kentucky represent! 🙂
Ohh!! So exciting!
I did each of the options. My name is the same throughout (Kathleen Doyle) though you might come across a Katie Doyle, which is me as well=)
Thanks for the giveaway!
I did:
Follow on Twitter: @YourEarthAndSky
Friend on Facebook: Kimmy Heindorf
Thank you for the giveaway! 🙂
+1 Folow on twitter (@Entre_Libros)
+1 Friended you on FB (Sharli De Entre Libros)
+1 Liked the Amazon page for Blackwood
TWITTER: http://twitter.com/mrbookwonder
FACEBOOK: Kristoffer Von Pierre Peralta
Looking forward on reading your book Gwenda! I love the cover!
Thanks for the giveaway! I sent you a friend request on Facebook just now, and I’m following you on Twitter (@IsabelSong) and Pinterest (pinterest.com/isabelsong)!
I followed you on Twitter 🙂 (@KiriMitchell)
Thanks a lot for being part of the YASH!!!
I did the following:
Twitter- @sontrei
FB – Alaiel Kreuz
Liked on Amazon
Pinterest: Alaiel Kreuz
Thanks so much for the giveaway!
+1 facebook Hannah McCormick
+1 Twitter Hannah McCorick
thanks so much!!!
Twitter: aliaslucia
fb: lucia pannacci
+1 Twitter: @pandalovesyou
+1 Facebook: msteffenriddell
+1 Pinterest: Mandy R
+1 Liked on amazon (pandalovesyou at hotmail dot com)
I am DYING to read your book! the blurb is intriguing and the cover is frekin’ awesome !! I love it!
Thanks for the lovely giveaway.
I added you on fb as Ifrah Kamil
Followed you on twitter as @Twinklesmile023
Like your amazon page as Ifrah kamil
Thanks for the giveaway! Followed on twitter (@dontsassthecass)
A book is man best friend.