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Dream Places

So, earlier today on twitter I posed the following query:

Dream question: Do you guys all have imaginary locations that recur in your dreams? What are they?

The answers have been really excellent and interesting, though I wasn't sure anyone would chime in and so didn't create a hash tag (I will try to capture them though–and you can find most of them here). But for the non-tweeting blog readers or people who just want more than 140 characters, what about you?

For the record, the two I mentioned on twitter are my surreal airport and first class section that's both spaceship-like and has polar bears, and a house I described as a "labyrinth house like a rundown Winchester Mystery House, which I dreamed again last night, prompting this question." But it's definitely not a mansion, way too ramshackle for that–and yet it always yields new rooms to accomodate dreamtime houseguests. It's also in major need of interior decoration and often feels as if someone else has been living there in the interim between times it shows up in my dreams. The imaginary house is apparently a common recurring dream locale, but it's been really interesting to see the variations in how that manifests for different people. Mine is in the middle of nowhere, in a giant field (although there is a strange subway station at the bottom of the hill you have to climb to get there), and frequently features not just houseguests but intruders and strange fauna. When I woke up this morning, I said to Christopher, "I really like our dream country house, but I do not approve of tiny alligator snakes infesting my clothes."

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Monday Hangovers

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Blitz Tourism

BlackoutBy the way, I'd suggest there are far worse ways to spend your weekend than cuddled up with Connie Willis's spectacular new novel Blackout. Man, oh, man, did I adore this book. Yes, it ends on a cliffhanger, and I can't wait for All Clear to come out this fall, but the entire thing is so perfect that I don't see how you can possibly wait to go ahead and read this one now. Available at fine booksellers from Spectra as of earlier this week, or score one of the limited editions from the ever-fabulous Subterranean Press.

It has nail-biting tension, just the right touch of humor, excellent and memorable characters, pitch-perfect writing and just about everything else you could want in a novel. One of the things I love best about it is that it feels like a World War II story I haven't seen a million times already, like Willis is showing us the war from the fringes of the actual battlefields, or rather Britain as a battlefield everyday people inhabited–exploring what it was like for shopgirls and actors who weren't performing for long stretches (Sir Godfrey is my favorite! Well, except for Alf and Binnie!), British intelligence agents doing semi-goofy things, and for women driving ambulances or military leaders from place to place. There are more women featuring in principle roles in this novel, actually, than in any other novel set during the great wars that I can remember. Plus, this is time travel! And like Tansy, I simply can't wait to see where the second installment takes us.

There are so many things I loved about it that I'd rather just discuss it after others have read it. So drop in after you do and leave a comment, why don't you?

p.s. You'll note I've eschewed Amazon links, even though there are still some elsewhere on my site. I don't know what to do about that, because I'm a code klutz and typepad automatically directs to them. I will assure you any money I get from Amazon affilitiates is spent on cat food and Lush products, and never on books, though. And that as soon as there's an alternative I can manage, I will be. In the meantime, why not drop by your local bookshop and pick it up?

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Friday Hangovers

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Thursday Hangovers

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Tuesday Hangovers

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This time for Kage Baker, who won't get nearly the amount of ink of other writers who've passed away recently, and whose work I love more dearly than any of theirs. I first read her in 2004, it turns up through a little googling, and immediately became a devotee. It does not feel just that there won't be anything more, after her next book publishes in March. I can only hope her books continue to find the new readers they deserve, and she lives on in that way.

Her work will always be the best kind of alive for me. I expect I'll go back and reread the Company books sometime soon. I just ordered The Hotel Under the Sand, her only novel for children, from last summer, which I managed to not read yet somehow. 

I feel this frustratingly inexpressible sadness–for those who knew her, because she must have been amazing and I'm sure she will leave a large hole in their lives, and for all the books and stories we will not get now that she might have written, and for the fact she was not more feted while she was here. 

Discover her work, if you haven't.

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War of the Book Barons

Everyone has seen the links to smart commentary on the Amazon vs. Macmillan skirmish from Scalzi and Toby Buckell, et. al. I'm sure, but I wanted to put a pointer to Caleb Crain's "Clash of the Titans" post, which is exceedingly worth your time:

Newspapers have no one to blame but themselves for having taught the public that they have a right to read newspapers online for free. Publishers, on the other hand, have woken up to the unpleasant discovery that the value of their work is being cheapened in the public mind by a third party: Amazon.

Seriously, if you're interested in this stuff, go read the whole post. (via Laura Miller on twitter.)

Updated: Also read Scott's post on the matters at hand.

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