- Catching up on LJ friendslist after a few days edition.
- Just read this Jeff Ford gem; it is to laugh.
- Cyn has an affecting remembrance of Norma Fox Mazer (there are so many out there). I had no idea that Norma Fox Mazer wrote the novelization of the Supergirl movie.
- Jo gives an update on the Montgomery County book censorship situation, which is just enraging on every level. And speaking of censorship, Adam Selzer's How to Get Suspended and Influence People* is now getting the enraging treatment.
- The subjectivity of reviews by way of the subjectivity of how Tessa Gratton feels about Kenneth Branagh. Heart this post.
- Karen rounds up some compelling stuff about communication and discourse from here and there.
- Alana Joli interviews Stacy Whitman about Tu Publishing, her new press that will focus on multicultural fantasy and science fiction for young adults.
- And now I'm off to attack the fiction, assuming the cat stops stepping on the keyboard.
*That totally would have been my high school memoir title.
A press for multicultural fantasy and science fiction for young adults?! * sprints to the site * Thanks, Gwenda!!!