- Leila's going to read 11 V.C. Andrews books this year. I salute you, dahlink. I hope your editions have those peekaboo covers, which I thought were dead cool as a preteen, with the menacing family portrait on the inside flap.
- Orbit's launching a new $1 e-book promotion, featuring a different discounted title every month. They've been doing some really interesting books, and it's nice to see a publisher giving something like this a try. (Orbit also does truly fabulous design work on all their books.)
- Strange Horizons' reviewers from last year offer some thoughts on their favorite things of 2008. I really have to see Let The Right One In as soon as humanly possible.
- Abigail Nussbaum offers some interesting comparative thoughts on Octavian II and Tender Morsels. Well worth checking out.
- Patrick Ness in the Guardian, writing on being called a health hazard in the Daily News f
or The Knife of Never Letting Go. (Via Niall.)
- Bennett on mommy panic. (Yay, let us hope that he keeps his resolution to blog more often this year.)
- The story of Beryl and Wol, the soap opera-loving dog and owl, is my favorite story ever. (Via Nicola.)