- Maureen McHugh has an excellent post on writing and accessibility at the Eat Our Brains group blog (which has been full of excellent posts all week): In the end, I guess I think writing is hard enough that the only way to write well is to be selfishly personal. I write like an oyster makes pearls. Some piece of grit bothers me and I keep coating it in nacre and coating it in nacre until it’s smooth and it doesn’t anymore.
- Ysabeau on the origin of the word geas.
- Maud on the release of When I Was a Loser, which I snagged a copy of at AWP and can’t wait to dig into. People’s teen school pictures are the Rosetta stone of funny.
- Alan thinking about arty stuff as only Alan can do.
- J.L. Bell on the issues involved in translating Harry Potter.
- Terri Windling on shapeshifters.
- This is why I love teenagers. You go, girls. (Via Jeff.)