- Bookshelves of Doom recommends Justine’s Magic or Madness. Which I clearly endorse. Book three will be here before you know it, so now’s the perfect time to catch up on the first two.
- This is very book.
- Terri Windling posts about all sorts of Marina Warner-related goodness. I had forgotten about Phantasmagoria, but must have it.
- The one and only Dave Schwartz reviews Pan’s Labyrinth for Strange Horizons, which we saw over the weekend and thought was utterly fabulous.
- Chicken Spaghetti does a great service by reprinting Deborah J. Lightfoot’s "Get Your Books AR Listed" from the SCBWI Bulletin on those mysterious accelerated reading lists and how they happen.
- This little piece on The Office reveals that Ed Helms in a bluegrass band called Lonesome Trio.
- Rosemary Mosco’s awesome 55 word stories. From the latest: "My secret power is pathetic fallacy." (Via Karen.)