Thursday Hangovers
- Real posts (and e-mails answered) sometime soon. The Busy Fairy has struck again, and it’s no good when she’s paling around with the Revision Fairy.
- Cynthia Leitich Smith talks to A.M. Jenkins and the description of the book she’s working on caught my eye: I’m finishing up a fun, fast-paced, midgrade/YA adventure that I think of as Alexandre Dumas with a manga series sensibility. That sounds FABULOUS.
- The second volume of Greg Frost’s acclaimed Shadowbridge series isn’t being stocked in Borders. Purchase elsewhere accordingly. I hear great things, and am very much looking forward to getting around to these. Fitcher’s Brides is one of my all-time favorite novels.
- Nicola Griffith on the science of how fiction makes us better people, more or less.
- Stephany has the goods on a massive pop-up book collection being donated to the Bowdoin College Library. Aside: I loved the whole "Pop-Up Pin-Ups" bit on the Pushing Daisies episode about the scratch n’ sniff-related murder.
- The Millions has a new quiz for its contributors about the first book that really engaged them with reading. The answers are fun reading.
- Debate literary fantasy. You know you wanna.
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