Craig Gidney is a fabulous person, and a fabulous writer. We published his story "The Safety of Thorns" in Say… have you heard this one? (he talked about it here) and consider him a dear friend. He’s having a tough time at the moment, as one of those far-too-many writers without health insurance.
Steve Berman founded Lethe Press in 2003, and Craig’s first short story collection, Sea, Swallow Me, is due from them shortly. Steve is making the following very generous offer to help Craig:
Lethe is releasing in Oct/Nov his short story collection, Sea, Swallow Me, and Other Stories. These are terrific fantastical tales.
Rather than just a royalty, I’d like to offer a pre-pub sale that would give him the entire amount. Yes, I won’t even keep my costs and, since 10% of my profits were to be donated to the >Carl Brandon Society, if you purchase a copy of the book before publication, I’ll still make that pledge. So, $13 goes to Craig and $1.30 goes to Carl Brandon. Books will be sent out via media mail at my cost.
If you’ve already ordered a copy through Amazon, I want to thank you. But that won’t help Craig for months. Plus, I’ll make sure Craig autographs your copy before it is sent out.
I’d prefer payment be sent via check, but you could Paypal it if necessary to lethepress AT aol DOT com. The price is only $13 per book.
Lethe Press
118 Heritage Ave
Maple Shade, NJ 08052
And here’s a handy Paypal button:
Please order a copy if you can, and help spread the word.