Playlist You Can Read To

Today I'm over at largehearted boy (one of my favorite, favorite blogs) contributing to the long-running and venerable Book Notes feature, wherein authors provide a playlist that relates to their latest work. I tried to pick some less obvious things to highlight, and you can even listen to the ten-song playlist on spotify.

Go forth, read and hear.

(And, yes, I've added this to the master list.)

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Not A Blog Tour Giant Master List

I did not set up an official blog tour, but I thought I'd better make a post to house the things I have been doing.

I'm guessing some of you may be (hopefully!) more interested in reading some of these things now that the book is available for purchase and reading (in whatever format you like best, be it e-book, audiobook, or paper book–my personal favorite not least because the cover is so soft and the paper feels nice). I know I often want to go read interviews and things after I finish a book. If this is also your druthers, you're covered.

If you're more interested in reviews and press, links to those are housed on the Blackwood page.

I've divided the below into interviews and guest posts, in chronological order of when they were posted, first to last.

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Update! Audiobookness & Events

BlackwoodJust a quick update to say it appears the audiobook version of Blackwood has landed on Amazon/Audible. I haven't had a chance to listen to anything except the sample, but it gave me a little chill (though I'm honestly not sure if I can bear to listen to my own book–suspect I will only want to revise it!). However, if audiobooks are your cup of tea and you check it out, let me know what you think.

Also, I've updated the events page with everything I expect through the end of the year–though it's always possible something else will pop up.

Most remaining events are in Lexington or Louisville and in October, with one (VERY!) exciting exception in December:

And a post with the master list of the "not a blog tour" stops so far related to the book will be going up after this one. Whee.

For everyone I owe stuff, I'm working on getting caught up, so soooon.

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Wednesday Hangovers

Hey, look at this, a blog post about Other Things. Have I mentioned how much calmer I feel after just three days back into the routine of early morning writing? I LOVE the book I'm working on (though also heart-clenching terror I won't be able to do it justice, etc., as per usual). So all to the good. But now closing some tabs:

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Over There!


Today I'm over at the brilliant writer Nova Ren Suma's blog. She kindly interviewed me as part of her Fall 2012 Debut Interview series, which I'm thrilled to be included in. Nova is such a fabulous writer, so supportive of others, and her blog never fails to be provocative and inspiring. Including her pretty graphic to the left, because PRETTY.

There's also a giveaway of a signed copy of Blackwood and a handmade duct tape rose pen (one of the last left!). You can easily enter by filling out a quick form and/or commenting.

So go on over and find out which writer ghosts I'd like to go on tour with.


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Magic Pastries, Etcetera

Whew! And last night wraps up book events for now, though I've got a couple of others this fall and winter (and I'm hoping to add another local reading/signing at the utterly fabulous Joseph-Beth soon). (I haven't even really started to think about next year yet…guess I should. Drop me a line if you'd like to invite me somewhere.)

If you want a signed copy of Blackwood, for now the easiest thing is to call or email Morris Book Shop and they can hook you up. If you want it personalized, they can arrange that, too. (The Book Cellar in Chicago, Malaprop's in Asheville, and Downtown Books in Manteo should also have a few on hand.)

Mainly, this post is a thank you–to everyone who came out last night or to any of the events and to all the wonderful booksellers who have hosted events and/or who are handselling the book. To everyone who's buying copies, of course, and to those who're recommending it to others. You are all the best. To say I'm overwhelmed by your support would be to downplay my level of whelmed. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Those of you who've already read the book will understand the significance of this, but for those who haven't: the Monas Hieroglyphica, the alchemical symbol created by John Dee, plays a significant role in Blackwood. So we made one out of cupcakes and donut holes–I like cupcakes, alchemists like donuts–for the launch party:


Monas Hieroglyphica In Pastry


Apologies to John Dee, but it was delicious. There are a few more photos from the event here.

It was great fun, though a little like being at your own wedding in that I spent the night behind the table signing and chatting (no complaints here on that), so I have no idea how the mingling, eating, and imbibing portions of the evening went. (My elementary school librarian came two hours to the signing! My mom took a cell call during the q&a, but it turned out to be a book request from someone in my hometown! Lovely tweeps came out! Our YA book club finally managed a quorum, even if it wasn't an official meeting!) Hopefully everyone had a good time. And afterward we went for sushi with our dear friend Mandy. Then I ate a cupcake and slept like the dead.

Today I'm feeling like it's time to get back to work. I've got a long to-do list, including a new book that needs revising (not to mention The Woken Gods, which will need revising soon too). You may have noticed I'm not doing an official "blog tour," but just doing things here or there. I'll try to put up a post to collect links to all those things sometime this week so they can live in one central place. In the meantime, a few little links:

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Odds & Ends Of The Holy Crap! Variety

Weekenders, that is. I'm sure many of your daily papers have weekend entertainment sections and so does our Herald-Leader. I went out to get a hard copy, and must admit to a moment of surreal geek-out, because I have secretly always wanted to be in the Weekender, repository of cool arts news.

Surreal. Completely. And one last reminder: launch partyness will be happening at The Morris Book Shop (conveniently located in Chevy Chase) at 6 p.m.ish tomorrow night. An alchemical symbol made of donuts is in the works and you don't see that every day, now do you?

And Christopher just took this screenshot of the front page of EEP. (Typo in the buy line keeping me humble. But, hey, the important thing is that the link still works. Who knows how long it'll be like this? But holy. crap.)

And if you're not in Lexington, but are going out bookshopping this weekend, please keep Blackwood in mind. First week sales are always good, and it should be in many shops (because the Random House sales team are rock stars), but asking for it in ones where it isn't is always encouraged. (Ditto in the UK. And also consider release sister Kim Curran's Shift.) Buying a copy for yourself or your favorite teenager is also encouraged and makes kittens frolic through meadows (one kitten frolics per copy!). Also, I just discovered the Powell's site shows what's in stock in their stores as well as the warehouse. Had a moment of utter delight that my book is at Powell's stores–including two copies in the Airport store apparently (PDX visitors, you would be my favorite if bought and/or photographed these).

And lovely tweet I woke up to this morning: 

YAY. As a first-time author, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate any and all support (and photos like this!). It's a very at-sea feeling this week, and you have made it awesome. I'm already completely overwhelmed and grateful. You guys are The Best.

A few new reviews and a guest post:

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Roundup, UK Release Day & Book Party Ahoy

It's UK publication day. Hurrah! Pip, pip! Etcetera.

Forgive me, UK friends. I'm a little tipped to the frazzled exhaustion end of the spectrum. I just looked around at the house when I walked in, which–let me tell you–after a few weeks of bouncing around here and there seems to have disintegrated into boxes, piles of books, and dog hair dust bunnies. So great to see Beth Revis again, to meet Meagan Spooner, Sarah Maas, and Susan Dennard (giveaway of all our books coming soon!), and to visit Malaprop's, as always, but I'm happy to say that Asheville is my last away stop for a bit. Order will soon be restored.

Some things:

  • To celebrate UK release day, Jade at Ink Scratchers kindly did an interview with me and UK peeps can enter to win a copy of Blackwood.
  • There's also a new, lengthy-ish interview over at My Bookish Ways, in which I talk about all sorts of madness–including my great love for Christopher Pike's Remember Me as a teen.
  • Blackwood is sharing crazyfine company like Libba Bray's The Diviners and Malinda Lo's Adaptation on io9's Most Thrilling Science Fiction and Fantasy Books in September. Yay!
  • Liz Burns reviews Blackwood over at her SLJ blog, A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy: "Other things I can say I love without being the spoiler queen: Miranda sewing and making her own clothes, and how that’s important to her as a character. The Blackwood family history. The small town feel. The way Blackwood captures a shore tourist town. (I grew up and live at the Jersey Shore, so loved her town / tourists bits.) The historical/supernatural mash up." (Liz is one of my go-to sources for recommendations, and one of my favorite reviewers to read, so particularly happy-dance-y over this one! And she really does do a fab job of avoiding spoilers.)
  • Bookbitz review: "Blackwood blends the supernatural, the mysterious, and the everyday stress of being a teenager into a satisfying, and incredibly fun, story. What did happen to the Lost Colony? And will Miranda survive the truth?" *beams*

    photo by Katie Wardlow Decker

  • Annnd our local daily paper, the Lexington Herald-Leader, did a profile story (thank you, Mary!), complete with a picture that I feel is even better with the context that my cheesy grin may be related to the fact that I said the following to the photographer (Katie Wardlow Decker, who was delightful) right before she took the shot: "I'll just lean here casually. Like I do this all the time. I just come here and lean against this shelf beside my book. Casually." I prefer hiding behind the book, like so, in this other shot from the story. (I have no excuse for babbling, however, except that I am admittedly a huge nerd. I did want to talk about the fact I'd been writing for ages though, because I hate the pervasiveness of the overnight success narrative. So, there.)

ANYWAY, the story is mainly to let local peoples know they should come to the launch party/signing at the most excellent Morris Book Shop on Saturday. There will be nibbles and donuts and a few prizes. It should be great fun! Come out if you can:

Sept. 8 at 6 p.m. : Blackwood Launch Party at the Morris Book Shop in Lexington, Ky.

And then everything will go back to normalish, right? Right. Or, rather, write. Because I miss it like crazy after a month of not writing.

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It’s A Real Live Book Day (All The Things! Including Asheville Event!)

So…today is The Day. The day in which a book I wrote, Blackwood, is Officially Published. (Manifold buying links at this page; so cheap–buy two! *ahem*)

I won't go into the story of the looong journey toward this, because there will be quite a few interviews and guest posts and such over the next couple of weeks that do that. Also, because it barely feels real, even though I've seen, signed, and watched books sold already. 

Mainly, I want to say thanks so much to everyone who has already supported my little book and/or me and to say I hope those of you who pick it up enjoy it. If you do, I'd be delighted if you tell a friend online or off, suggest it to your favorite teen, leave a review somewhere, or drop me a tweet to let me know. It was a fun book to write, and I hope it's a fun book to read.

If you want to know more about how Blackwood developed from a writing perspective, I'm over at Scalzi's giving The Big Idea behind it today. AND I'm also at Mary Robinette Kowal's talking about My Favorite Bit (conversational snippet alert).

Some links:

  • Charlie Jane Anders (Hugo-award-winning author!) did brief video interviews with several authors–including me–at WorldCon about writing setbacks. Read and watch at io9.
  • Thanks so much to the FABULOUS Kelly Jensen for coming out to the Angry Robot Author Showcase Event at the Book Cellar and hanging afterward. You can read her report and enter to win a signed copy of Blackwood at Stacked. (Yes, I was a little space cadet-y right after the q&a. *smile* ) It was an honor and pleasure to read with Kim Curran (whose excellent Shift is ALSO out today!), Chuck Wendig, and Adam Christopher at that event, and you should buy all their books. Many thanks to the Book Cellar–a truly gorgeous bookstore–for hosting us and to everyone who came. Yay!
  • review (with well-marked spoilers): "A very promising debut: I look forward to seeing what Gwenda Bond does next."
  • Felicity Disco review: "The novel’s take on what caused the original disappearance was not what I expected, but it provided for a fascinating plot, and Miranda and Phillips are both great leads. (Yes, there’s a bit of romance, but they’re more concerned with NOT DYING most of the time.)"
  • Popcorn Reads review: "I read it straight through because I couldn’t put it down – yep, another late night for me but so worth it! She got the historical elements dead-on and she nailed the island, and the paranormal/mystical elements were also perfect. I’m highly recommending this one, and not just for teens or young adults."
  • Diary of a Bookworm review: "There was excellent tension, a seriously creepy villain and several plot twists I didn't see coming. But where Blackwood really excelled was with its two main characters, Miranda and Phillips. These two had fun dialogue, believable interactions and great chemistry."
  • Civilian Reader review: "If you like your fiction with a dollop of suspense and an understated romance, then Blackwood is for you. This is a solid debut that has put Gwenda Bond onto my “Authors to Watch” List."

Last but not least, Asheville! I will be visiting you tomorrow as part of this event with fancy people:

Come out!

Also, I'd be remiss if I didn't say how great WorldCon was (if I had more time I'd do a full post about it!). It was a complete delight to see old friends and meet new ones, as usual. I was on a fun panel with excellent people (including the hilarious Leigh Bardugo), did a reading from Blackwood and the current draft of The Woken Gods, and got to hang out with Erica from excellent blog the Book Cellar afterward. It was also great fun to hang out with so many fellow Strange Chemistry authors. Here's a pic editor Amanda took of me, Kim, Cassandra Rose Clarke, and Julianna Scott in the bar on the first day:


Would love to see pictures if you encounter Blackwood in the wild!

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On The Road Hangovers

Clearing out tabs annnnd go:

And a couple more Blackwood reviews–both from UK bloggers–that made me radioactively pleased:

  • From Cara at the Tattooed Book (and Waterstones bookseller): "Blackwood is excellent, intelligent, YA aimed fantasy. For anyone struggling to keep a teenager engrossed in reading, or maybe even tempt them back after they've had a break, this is the kind of story that will reel them right back in!" (Yay!)
  • And from Beth Kemp at Thoughts from the Hearthfire: "I picked the book up to have a quick flick through the beginning and rapidly found myself deep enough in to need to finish it (ahead of other review books that had arrived sooner – argh!). Thank goodness books don't feel jealousy!" (I would marry this review if I could! It describes exactly the book I wanted to write.)

Aside: I really love all the UK blogs I've discovered this year, and these two are both fab.

Okay, off to Chicago for things! Launch day nigh!

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