Happy BarbGras!
Happy birthday to the wonderful, wonderful Barbara Gilly! Ask to see her sexy librarian imitation. You won’t be sorry. (Also, her Tara.)
Happy birthday to the wonderful, wonderful Barbara Gilly! Ask to see her sexy librarian imitation. You won’t be sorry. (Also, her Tara.)
And tonight’s VM is:
Debasement Tapes. Piz (Chris Lowell) is put in charge of escorting his idol, Desmond Fellows (guest star Paul Rudd, "Anchorman"), a singer/musician from a 1990’s pop band who arrives on the Hearst campus to perform at a benefit concert for the radio station. When tapes of Fellow’s back-up vocals and tracks go missing, Piz recruits Veronica (Kristen Bell) to help locate them. Keith (Enrico Colantoni) believes he will be running unopposed in the race for Sheriff, until an unlikely candidate throws his hat into the ring. Jason Dohring, Percy Daggs, Francis Capra, Ryan Hansen Tina Majorino and Julie Gonzalo also star. Dan Etheridge directed the episode written by John Enbom.
If any of you former Gilmore Girls fans break down and tune in for the final eps, feel free to post about tonight’s here too. (I can report that the last few episodes have been pretty good, actually.)
We got to drinking vino with the neighbors amid the splendor of the garden last night and I forgot to post. This is the one with all the mama issues. Thoughts?
Whoopsie – Heroes Yammer Read More »
From an interview with one John C. Wright at Sci Fi Weekly:
So, no. The work was written long before I ever heard of Harry Potter. Through no design of my own, Branshead is the opposite of Hogwarts: a school where magical beings learn how to be muggles. The students want to break out of school and return to lives and families at home.
Nor is this book anywhere nearly gross enough to qualify for YA status. To win awards in YA fiction, one needs to describe rapist elfs sodomizing boys with thorn bushes, or a father having sex with the ghost of his little son he murdered. Incestohomopedonecrophilia, we might call that: One needs special names to describe the new perversions. I wish I were making those examples up.
Wow, I’m going to have to add some thorn bushes, AT LEAST.
So I put together this week’s Publishers Weekly cover story, which focuses on some forthcoming LGBT titles mainly from university presses. It was great fun to do and it’s a fascinating crop of books.
Any weekend in which I finally manage to teach Puck the down command is one of major accomplishment. Also, he and Emma both did fabulously well during their visit to Dogtown, and so that’s where they’ll be staying while we’re at Wiscon. This should lead to far less of the whining you guys all had to listen to last year about my great, enormous guilt. They’ll have their own room with couches and stuff instead of kennels at night, and be in doggy daycare all day. The place is run by a very nice straight-edge couple who started it basically because they hated the options they had for putting up their own dogs when they travel.
And now I experiment with iMovie — instead of Gavin’s requested how to walk a dog, you’ll be getting the dogs being bathed and a miscellaneous happy birthday wish to Hank Green (dogs were woefully underrepresented in that video!).
Updated: Hmmm… the video might be taking a little longer than I expected (damn you, iMovie!), so in the meantime, here’s the happy birthday portion, because you all know how seriously I take birthdaygras:
Nope, haven’t figured out the whole video "quality" thing yet.
Like You Care (Updated) Read More »
Congratulate the fabulous Holly Black for her amazing book’s debut at number 5 on the NYT BESTSELLER LIST! I love it when good books take over the world.
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