The Summer YA Extravaganza Issue of the Journal of Mythic Arts is now live. I’m honored (and slightly panicked) have something I wrote appear alongside the work of such a marvelous bunch of writers — I can’t wait to read every word.
From Terri’s editor’s note:
Welcome to our Summer 2007 issue, where we’re focused on mythic fiction for Young Adult readers. What’s special about this issue is that it contains thirteen short stories, rather than our usual two or three, along with our regular mix of nonfiction, art, and poetry. Some of our contributing authors are well known for YA fiction, others are better known for adult work, and two of them are talented new writers who are still in their teens themselves.
We have new stories for you by Celia Bell, Steve Berman, Holly Black, Gwenda Bond, Elizabeth Genco, O.R. Melling, Will Shetterly, and Catherynne M. Valente, along with a lovely fairy tale by Jessie Suk Roy that we’ve held over from the last issue. We’ve also included two reprint stories by Christopher Barzak and Ellen Steiber — both of which originally appeared in adult venues, but which deserve attention here as excellent examples of mythic fiction with Young Adult themes. And finally, there are two small tales contributed by Midori and me.
Like I said: marvelous.