The Champions, My Friends

Midori kindly posts the World Fantasy Award results; we were particularly happy to see the triumphs of Mary Rickert, Jeff Ford, and Ellen and Terri (for another wonderful anthology, Salon Fantastique). That said, a hearty congratulations to all the winners and a glass raised to all the rest.

Here’s a link back to my thoughts on Mary’s now award-winning collection Map of Dreams. And Shaun Tan for artist — I predict this is only the beginning for him, once The Arrival hits.

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Bad Movie: Spiderman the Third

The first installment in a (fingers crossed) occasional series now that we are Netflixing again. This probably should have started with Transformers, but Spiderman 3 will do nicely.

Leaving aside the fact that None of It Makes Sense, the worst (and best) things about the movie:Spiderman3_emotobey_2

1. Emo Bangs! Seriously, who goes evil by way of Emo Bangs?

2. The Emo Bangs turn Spidey into a jiving ’70s guy — I so wish I was making this up. How did they convince Maguire to do this? Sam Raimi must have pictures of something really disturbing… but how it could be more disturbing than this sequence, I really don’t know.

3. James Franco’s Harry has a butler who seems–for lack of a better word–special and who gives such a rousing speech about love and mad boy love that I could Not Stop Laughing. Christopher’s convinced this guy is a random hobo who won the role in a contest using a public library computer.

4. They’re all supposed to be fighting over Mary Jane, but boys? Get a room.

5. Brilliant new storytelling! Inconsistent Characterization = Plot and Thinly Veiled Pretext = Plot Point.

See how I took the high road? I didn’t even mention Maguire’s baby double chin. (Not that I’m advocating for the current insane cultural skeleton fetish, but if Dunst showed up like this they’d either have her killed or digitally edit the excess away and she’d still never work again.)

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Winter Blog Blast Tour Schedule (!!!)

The one and only Colleen Mondor — intent on topping herself — has arranged a second installment of the stupendously cool multi-blog author interview event from the summer and it’s on next week. The master schedule follows, and I’ll be posting links to each day’s interviews here as well.


Perry Moore at The Ya Ya Yas
Nick Abadzis at Chasing Ray
Carrie Jones at Hip Writer Mama
Phyllis Root at Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast
Laura Amy Schlitz at Fuse Number 8
Kerry Madden at lectitans
Tom Sniegoski at Bildungsroman
Connie Willis at Finding Wonderland


Lisa Ann Sandell at Chasing Ray
Perry Moore at Interactive Reader
Christopher Barzak at Shaken & Stirred
Autumn Cornwell at The Ya Ya Yas
Jon Scieszka at Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast
Gabrielle Zevin at Jen Robinson’s Book Page
Judy Blume at Not Your Mother’s Book Club
Erik P. Kraft at Bookshelves of Doom
Clare Dunkle at Miss Erin


Lisa Ann Sandell at Interactive Reader
Christopher Barzak at Chasing Ray
Julie Halpern at The Ya Ya Yas
Micol Ostow at Shaken & Stirred
Rick Yancey at Hip Writer Mama
Jane Yolen at Fuse Number 8
Shannon Hale at Bookshelves of Doom
Maureen Johnson at Bildungsroman
David Lubar at Writing & Ruminating
Sherman Alexie at Finding Wonderland


David Mack at Chasing Ray
Paul Volponi at The Ya Ya Yas
Elizabeth Knox at Shaken & Stirred
Ellen Emerson White at A Chair, A Fireplace and A Tea Cozy
Jack Gantos at Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast
David Levithan at Not Your Mother’s Book Club
Micol Ostow at Bildungsroman
Laura Amy Schlitz at Miss Erin
Kerry Madden at Hip Writer Mama
Sherman Alexie at Interactive Reader


Loree Griffin Burns at Chasing Ray
Lily Archer at The Ya Ya Yas
Rick Riordan at Jen Robinson’s Book Page
Gabrielle Zevin at Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast
Dia Calhoun at lectitans
Shannon Hale at Miss Erin
Jane Yolen & Adam Stemple at Shaken & Stirred
Alan Gratz at Interactive Reader


Blake Nelson at The Ya Ya Yas

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Wish It Wasn’t on Fox

But Joss Whedon and Eliza Dushku back together in TVland. In the E! interview that broke the news, Whedon describes "Dollhouse" thus:

The idea is those with the money or connections can access this secret highly illegal facility where they can basically fulfill their greatest fantasies. Most people assume that means sex—and on an occasion it does, because that is a lot of people’s fantasies—but it’s basically scenarios. They can basically reenact scenarios of romance, adventure or anything perfectly, because they become the person that you want them to be—they become that person. They don’t act like that person, they are not a robot pretending, they become that person, and then they forget all about it. The problem is the character of Echo, Eliza Dushku’s character, stops forgetting. She doesn’t completely remember, but she does realize she is a person, and that she might have been a person before she did this, and she doesn’t know what that is.

Oh, happy day.

p.s. Whedon also directed tonight’s episode of The Office.

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Happy Halloween Hangovers

Happy Halloween Hangovers Read More »

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