- Howard Waldrop’s first guest blog entry is up over at LCRW.
- The lovely Karen Meisner reminds me that it’s the last day of the Strange Horizons fund drive. Make your tax deductible donations now.
- The mental floss blog collects some memorable LOLCats inspired by the story of Oscar the Death Kitty.
- Scalzi kicks off some interesting discussion on the downward trend in SFF short fiction market $$.
- Emily Colette Wilkinson offers some thoughts on Harry Potter and longevity over at The Millions (spoilers). And Harry fever inspires Gretchen Rubin to offer a list of her favorite children’s books.
- Jay Tomio is already considering his favorite reads of 2007.
- Ludlum may be dead, but the books keep on coming.
- Texas lake under attack by primordial fern. I heart this story. (Via Jenny.)
- The Boston Globe has an excellent piece on diversity and the scarcity of black writers in the SF community. (Via Bookninja.) David Anthony Durham is quoted: "In epic fantasy," says Durham, 38, whose novel is populated by a diverse crowd that includes blond warriors and olive-skinned beauties, "there is a lot of racism and sexism I don’t think the good people who are writing it are aware of." Yep.