
The fabulous Kelly Jensen of the excellent blog Stacked invited me to be one half of a dual guest post that's up today on new-to-YA publishers–I'm talking about Strange Chemistry and my experience with them and Amy Spalding talks about hers with Entangled Publishing. A snippet from my portion:

Once Amanda started reading submissions, in the book went and we heard from her not that long after–she wanted it and she was really excited about it, though the Editorial Board (dreaded by all writers) still lay ahead. But the ed board said YES. Hallelujah, heavenly choirs, the usual. As a debut author at a small publisher, you can’t expect a “shut up, you’re buying this round” deal. BUT that’s also true as a debut author–or a midlist one, for that matter–at many larger publishers. Giant deals are far fewer than it seems. Really. 

So, a mix of my personal story and some publishing talk. Go thither to read the rest.

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