Thanks so much to all of you who’ve already snagged Mr. & Mrs. Witch from your bookstore or library, and remember that reviews at the usual sites like Amazon or Goodreads or yelling enthusiastically on Insta or TikTok (or telling a human IRL!) are rad and a great way to support the book and your humble narrator.
I still have some fun things planned for promo, but have also been busy busy (running a nonprofit is time-consuming, who knew??? but the Lexington Writer’s Room just this morning hit 100 members and it’s so rewarding). And I’m working on the next witch book, which is the first book in the Wayward Sisters series, so my brain is deep in Regency England fantastical apothecary mode.
There’s also always this weird and ever-unpredictable emotional trajectory with any book release. The excitement and the absolute delight at readers who seem to 1000 percent have read the book you wanted to write, and the worry it won’t find enough of them! With about a tridozen more anxieties. The only thing to do is hope it finds its way and word of mouth, and…write the next book.
Anyway, if you missed it: the pub day post I wrote about witches.
And here’s some quick buy links for print/ebook and audio.

Or snag that audio with amazing narrators Amy Landon as Savvy and Luke Daniels as Griffin:
ANNNND I’m also thrilled to report that Not Your Average Hot Guy is on sale for the first time since it came out! You can go snag it at your etailer of choice for an devilishly low price of $2.99 for a short time.

More soon. Wishing us all a get-here-now spring filled with tulips,
Hi! I was wondering if you had plans for a 3rd book in this series?
Not currently planned in the Not Your Average Hot Guy series, or in Mr. & Mrs. Witch–but I absolutely know what I’d write for a second book in the Witches & Wardens world so at some point.